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1. Beaker(燒杯) 2. Boiling tube(大試管) 3. Bunsen burner(本生燈) 4. Camel brush(駝毛畫筆) 5. Centrifuge(離心機) 6. Clamp(夾) 7. Cork borer(鉆孔器) 8. Dialysis tubing(透析管) 9. Dropper(滴管) 10. Dropping bottle(滴瓶) 11. Electronic balance(電子天秤) 12. Filter cloth(濾布) 13. Filter funnel(過濾漏鬥) 14. Filter paper(濾紙) 15. Forceps(鑷子) 16. Glass rod(玻璃棒) 17. Glass tubing(玻璃管) 18. Insulation plate(防火墊) 19. Label(標簽貼紙) 20. Marker pen(記號筆) 21. Match(火柴) 22. Measuring cylinder(量筒) 23. Mortar(臼、研缽) 24. Pestle(杵、研棒) 25. Petri dish(培養皿) 26. Pipette(移液管 / 吸量管) 27. Pipette filler(移液管裝填器 / 膠泵) 28. Razor blade(刀片) 29. Reagent bottle(試劑瓶) 30. Retort stand(支架) 31. Rubber stopper with one hole(單孔橡膠管塞或瓶塞) 32. Rubber tubing(橡膠管) 33. Safety goggles(安全眼鏡 / 護目鏡) 34. Scissors(剪刀) 35. Scouring pad(百潔布) 36. Screw(螺絲夾) 37. Spatula(刮勺) 38. Spotting tile(點滴瓷板) 39. Stop-watch(秒表) 40. Syringe(針筒 / 註射器) 41. Teat pipette(長滴管) 42. Test-tube(試管) 43. Test-tube brush(試管刷) 44. Test-tube holder(試管夾) 45. Test-tube rack(試管架) 46. Thermometer(溫度計) 47. Towel(毛巾) 48. Triple beam balance(三梁式天秤) 49. Tripod(三腳架) 50. Visking tubing(透析管) 51. Wash bottle(洗滌瓶) 52. Watch glass(表面玻璃 / 表面皿) 53. White tile(白瓷磚) 54. Wire gauze(鐵絲網)

1~燒杯 (Beaker) --- 用來盛載液體化學藥品 (to hold liquid) 2~錐形瓶 (Conical flask)---盛載液體作容量分析 (to hold liquids) 3~試管架 (Test tube rack) – 放置試管 (to hold test tubes) 4~試管夾 (Test tube holder)— 加熱時用來夾著試管頂部 (to hold a hot test tube) 5~洗滌瓶(Wash bottle) 6~試劑瓶 (Reagent Bottle) — 用來存放液體化學藥品 (to store solutions) 7~圓底燒瓶 8~平底燒瓶 錐形瓶,圓錐瓶(Conical Flask) 9~刮勺 (Spatula)— 取用少量固體(尤其是粉未狀固體)時使用的盛匙 ( to trfer a *** all amount of powder) 10~鐵絲網 (Wire guaze) – 加熱時使燒杯能均勻地受熱 (to protect beaker when heated) 11~三腳架 (Tripod) – 支持鐵絲網 (to support wire guaze) 12~本生燈 (Bunsen Burner) --- 把化學物品加熱 (to heat things) 13~實驗臺墊(Bench mat) 14~鐵支架/ 鐵架(Retort stand)  鉗子 (Tongs) —來移動未冷卻的固體 (to pick up and hold hot solids) 15~量筒 (Measuring cylinder)—量度液體體積 (to measure liquids) 16~滴管 (Dropper)— 移取液體 (to trfer solutions) 17~過濾漏鬥 (Filter funnel) ---可用於過濾或加入液體 (to filter some liquid) 18~安全眼鏡 (Safety glasses)—保護眼睛 (to protect your eyes) other~ 電子天秤(electronic balance) – 用來準確地稱量物質(to measure the weight of some substances accurately) 蒸發皿 (Evaporating dish)--- 進行蒸發時,通常以蒸發皿盛載溶液 (to evaporate a liquid) 鑷子(forcep):用來緊握細小的的物體(for gripping things) 集氣瓶 (Gas jar)—存放或收集氣體 (to collect gases) 煤氣掣 (gas tape) – 本生燈的煤氣供應開關(Switch for towngas supply) 玻璃棒 (Glass rod)—攪拌液體 (to stir liquids) 試管 (Test tube) — 盛載少量液體、氣體或固體的化學物品 (to hold *** all amount of chemicals) 溫度計 (Thermometer)—量度溫度 (to measure temperature) 三桿式天秤(triple beam balance) – 用來粗略地稱量質的重量 (to measure the weight of substance) 表面玻璃 (Watch glass)—放在燒杯上蒸發液體 (to evaporate a liquid by putting over a baker of boiling water) 2007-04-05 01:56:14 補充: 咁都最佳回答~難為我慢慢copy得咁辛苦~

參考: naturalking/exercise + biology.001at/biovocabs/expt

1.Beaker 2.Toper bottle 3.Test-tube stand 4.Test tube clamp 5.Wash the bottle 6.Reagent bottle 7.Round bottom flask 8.Boiling flask 9.Shave the spoon 10.Wire ting 11.Tripod 12.Bunsen burner 13.Fire prevention and pad 14. Iron stand And the pincers 15.Measuring cylinder 16.Burette 17.Filter x and fight 18.Safe glasses

1.燒杯 beaker 2.錐形瓶 (唔識) 3.試管架 test tube rack 4.試管夾 test tube holder 5.洗滌瓶 wash bottle 6.試劑瓶 reagent bottle 7.圓底燒瓶 round-bottomed flask 8.平底燒瓶 flat-bottomed flask 9.刮匙 spatula 10.鐵絲網 wire gauze 11.三腳架 tripod 12.本生燈 bunsen burner 13.防火墊 fireproof mat 14. 鐵架 及 鉗 stand and clamp 15.量筒 measuring cylinder 16.滴管 dropper 17.過濾x鬥 filter funnel 18.安全眼鏡 safty glasses

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