當前位置:偏方大全网 - 藥品查詢 - 求英語大神翻譯壹下下列門牌號,是醫院的門牌翻譯:


保安室 The Security Office/ Room

保密室 The Secrete Room

財務部 Financial Departement

財務部辦公室(和財務部不壹樣)The Office of Financial Department

財務庫房 Financial Treasury

成本核算辦公室 Cost Accounting Office

黨群工作部 The office of the Party and Mass

發展規劃部 Development and Planning Department

復印室 Copy Room

副院長 Vice-president /Vice Director

工資、公積金辦公室 The Office of Wages, Housing Accumulation fund

護理部 Nursing Department

會議室 Conference Room

績效核算辦公室 The Office of the Check Computation of Performence

紀檢審計部 Disciplinary Insection supervision

接待室 Reception Room

科教部 The departmemt of Science and Education

黨群工作部庫房 The Bursary of the Party and Mass Department

院辦庫房 The Bursary of Admin Office

男廁所 Men's Rest Room

南區建設辦公室 The office of Southern District Construction

女廁所 Ladies' Rest Room

人力資源部 Human Resources Department

人力資源部檔案室 Archives of Human Resources Department

宣傳部 Progaganda Deparment

醫務部 Medical Department

院辦 Admin Office

院辦檔案室 Archives of Admin Office

院長助理 Assistant to the Dean/President


質控部 Quality Control department

專務辦公室 Exclusive Works Office

資產管理辦公室 Assets management Office

院感辦公室: 不知妳的“院感辦公室”的院感是指什麽,請妳解釋壹下

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  • 下一篇:醫療保險內部管理制度和財務制度
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