Analysis of drug safety
Appeal as soon as possible, “Drug Safety Act”
Abstract : OBJECTIVE:The cause of our country to promote the sound development of drugs and suggestions. METHODS: Drug safety of our country in all sorts of problem case analysis, the search for emerging drug safety issues for various reasons. RESULTS&CONCLUSION: Drug production and circulation of some of the problems still exist, have to further standardize and clearly relevant laws and regulations, especially as soon as possible, “Drug Safety Act.”
Key words:Key words1;drug safety Key words2;Drug Quality
Key words3;“Drug Safety Act”
藥品作為壹種特殊商品,是用來治療、預防和診斷人的疾病的產品,關系到公民的身體健康和生命安全。可近幾年來,藥品安全方面的事故卻時有發生。前兩年的“齊齊哈爾制藥二廠假藥事件”風波未平,“假雙黃連註射液案”和“假糖脂寧膠囊案”風波又起,我國藥品安全面臨著嚴峻考驗。 “齊二藥、欣弗、球蛋白、甲氨蝶呤”等頻繁發生的假劣藥品質量侵權事件,讓公民對藥品質量產生深深的疑慮。現行法律還不能給受害人和社會所受到的傷害以足夠和恰當的撫慰,不能夠有效遏制大規模藥品質量侵權行為的發生。因此,筆者現對我國藥品安全問題層出不窮的事件進行分析,尋求出現藥品安全問題的各種原因,建議建立、健全藥品生產和管理的各個環節的法律法規,特別是盡快將《藥品安全法》納入立法規劃。也希望相關藥品監管部門能責無旁貸的嚴密監控藥品生產、流轉的各個環節,將其置於法律法規的嚴格保護之下,讓公眾放心用藥。