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A word, called "to the people." This shows our life and how close contact with food!!!!! Said to food, we will want to, our side of the food is safe; Health, health? Many of us would think so.

Recent malachite green, Sudan red, such as these are has been "destroyed" and red hearts duck eggs and still haven't fully solved. But even if they now have to solve, but we have to worry about "they" will still be in the future will not bounce back? Thought of here, I can't help but think the behind the scenes continuous "manufacturing" this some harm the safety of life food. So I gave the such doubt these people is for the sake of what? I want to or for a word--money, money is the devil satisfiedly bait. Because money, this world have happened on how much time of murder, robbery and theft? Who can think so one of COINS, is want to prison and conveying the criminal court the "supplier"?

Also it is because the money produced: synthetic sweetener (TangJingNa, sweet grain) and preservative (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbet) and the use of food additives. Therefore, I very want to some people understand, their "product" endangered the how many people? There are many people because ate these so-called "health, safe food" and diarrhea and vomiting and even lost life!

But, I think, in addition to those who only know that making money and criticism regardless of their physical health, safety of people outside, we need to improve their awareness!

Such as: apple is too light of that apple may waxed. Grapes of too much on spot may be excessive use pesticides.

These instructions, defense, food human adding chemical substances, hazardous substances some is but with the naked eye or simple way to test it out.

Come, let us together for our health, safety and struggle! Eliminate harmful food, also we a healthy body!

To be favour green food

When you go to the super market purchase, you would notice, some milk powder, tea, coffee, dried fruit, beverage and etc and the bag (box) on the same patterns-with the two green leaf under the sun light is a green holds the shoot, this is the "green food" logo design, the food is a well-known of "green food".

You may feel strange, green food is not those green vegetables, fruit? How even milk powder, beverage and also became green food? In fact, the green food which is safe, nutrition, no pollution kind of food. The green food logo design tell us, green food from pure, clean environment, can bring us the lively vitality.

Why green food be favour? This from environmental pollution to speak of.

Environmental pollution is a major problem with the mankind, it makes human life is threatened. For a man's food structure, most of the food from the fields in the crops and poultry, fish, eggs and so on, if the growth of plants and animals polluted environment, they will accumulate inside harmful material, so, people eat these crops or livestock processing with a food, will poisoning, affect the person's health.

Industrial sewage is important sources of contamination. For example the manufacture of dyes, pesticide, light bulbs, battery, switch of factories, which contained normally in wastewater discharge of mercury, the waste water into the river, the growth of fish in the river that is contained inside the body a lot of mercury. People eat the fish, mercury and accumulated slowly up in the body, this is mercury poisoning. As time passes, mercury poisoning patients will appear lisp, numbness, deaf and blind, insanity wait for a symptom, and even death.

Reprinted from the nets, please keep this mark

Pesticide is also the important source of pollution. According to the statistics, the more than 400 kinds of pesticides is now used in more than 140 kinds of pesticides contains toxic big organochlorines. People slightly negligence, eat the food with made of these crops, light person can appear dizziness and vomiting, difficulty of breathing, wait for a symptom, the person that weigh also will die. If people long-term chronic poisoning, it will have to white blood and stomach cancer, an incurable disease... Now, because the food contaminated by the ongoing poisoning, the human food source has lit up the red light.

With the improvement of living standards, the people to the requirements of the food more and more is also high. "Entrance" thing both delicious and nutrition, health, without any pollution. Therefore, do not contain harmful material residues of green food became people long for food, green food in the development and production of agricultural production and thus becomes the inevitable trend of food processing. Green food is like a green spring tides occur, is rapidly poured into our life.

Green food covers a range is very extensive, it includes the ground of the middle of water, and a variety of food, such as table of food, vegetables, fish, eggs, fruit and oil, tea, alcohol, spices, etc. Green food production to have strict procedures, such as crops in no pollution to the place of the cultivation, to protect crops from pollution; Livestock feed, not contain harmful to human body hormone additives; For tins, drinks in the factory, the use of process equipment must be lead-free, zinc and other pollution.

Green food not only benefit to the person's health, but also improve the quality of people. Green food labelling has become China's food to go into the international market pass, in the export set in contributions in work. Green food brings "green business" is benefits the country and the, the cause of later generations.

I look forward to food safety are protected

The 21 st century, science times, people's living level rising, people pay more and more attention to food safety, can be in recent years but food safety accidents happening in recent years, the "million fish carcinogenic" "Sudan red" and "problem milk powder" "insect and orange" events, are horrifying. Everyone is looking forward to food are protected.

Therefore, the common people of the diet without guarantee to talk about why health issue, a ShunKouLiu said: "" eat animals afraid of hormone, eat plants afraid of toxins, drink afraid of pigment, can eat what heart didn't count" don't know, we also can eat what, in front of the vegetables, you dare to eat. Afraid there are pesticide residues, have insect panic and molar teeth, consumer confidence and for the government to vendors lost faith. The producers lose confidence, we have never thought, we can in order to food safety and worried.

The peddler conscience still there, they for the few HeiXinQian, his personality and moral ruthless trampled. To ask those producers, what are you, have you ever thought of the seriousness of this thing, his business reputation destroyed. Finally ask the government, again and again let unsafe food to flow to the crowd, into the mouth of the common people, does this fault? All all all because you up.

Looking forward, food safety to obtain the safeguard, but when can we reach this goal, in addition to government departments to strengthen the supervision and outside, also need to consumers improve food security know, don't literally buy vendor food, and "3 without" product, more do not want credulous AD, as the saying goes: "no pain no gain." More need those behind the scenes leave some bosses public-spiritedness, hope not to a benefit, and to pay more price.

Who does not hope, can eat trust of food, looking forward, waiting for......

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