主修專業課程: Major courses
人體素描、Life Drawing
設計素描、Design Sketch
裝飾基礎、Decoration Fundamentals
圖形創意、Figure Creation
商業插畫與卡通形象設計、Commercial Illustration & Cartoon Character Design
版式設計、Format Design
標誌與文字設計、Logo & Character Design
廣告創意與思維、Ideas & Thinking of Advertisement
展示設計、Display Design
包裝設計、Package Design
書籍裝幀、Book Binding & Layout
品牌與廣告、 Branding & Advertising
品牌與包裝、Branding & Packaging
網頁設計、Web Design
企業形象設計、Corporate Image Design
設計攝影、Design Photography
藝術考察、Art Review
選修:Elective Courses
服裝設計、Costume Design
營養與健康、Nutrition & Health
教育典籍心理研究、Psychological Research on Historical Ecation
數學史、Mathematics History
美容化妝品學、Beauty & Co *** etic Sutdies
合唱指揮、Chorus Command
中國民族音樂、Chinese Folk Music
外國音樂作品欣賞、Appreciation of Foreign Compositions
基礎日語、Elementary Japanese
影視廣告欣賞、Appreciation of Video-film Advertisements
影視藝術欣賞、Appreciation of Video-film Art
美術概論、 Introction to Fine Arts
書法篆刻、Calligraphy and Seal-carving
動畫賞析、Appreciation and Analysis of Flashes
建築欣賞、Appreciation of Architecture
攝影基礎、Photography Foundation
P.S.: 花了半個多小時,總算完成了,還比較滿意。
2. 大學課程名稱翻譯
思想道德修養與法律基礎 Thought and Morality Cultivation
大學生心理健康教育 College Psychological Health Ecation
大學體育 College Physical Training
大學英語 College English
大學計算機基礎 College Computer Basis
軍事理論 Military Theory
高等數學 Calculus
軍事訓練 Military Training
經濟應用文寫作 Economic Practical Writing
中國近現代史綱要 China's Modern History
線性代數 Algebra
Foxpro程序設計 Foxpro Program Design
管理學 Management
基礎日語 Basic Japanese
網站設計與開發 Website Design and Development
科技文獻檢索 Scientific Documents Retrieval
馬克思主義基本原理Marxist Fundamental
概率論與數理統計 Probability and Mathematical Statistics
初級會計學 Elementary Accounting
微觀經濟學 Microeconomic
會計職業道德與責任Accounting Ethics and Responsibilities
神州山水遊—美學欣賞Aesthetic Appreciation of Chinese Mountain and Water
中醫美容學 Aesthetic of Traditional Chinese Medicine
專業認知實習 Professional Cognitive Practice
*** 思想 Maoi ***
*** 理論 Deng Xiaoping Theory
*** 重要思想 Thoughts of Three Represents
宏觀經濟學 Macroeconomic
商法 Commercial Law
中級會計學 Intermediate Accounting
言語交際與禮儀 Verbal Communication and Etiquette
社會調查 Social Research
C語言程序設計 C Programming Language Design
會計電算化原理 Computerized Accounting Principle
統計學 Statistics
財務管理 Financial Management
稅法 Tax Law
成本會計學 Cost Accounting
學年論文 Academic Essay
運籌學 Operational Research
金融學 Finance
會計史 Accounting History
管理信息系統 Management information system
國際貿易 International trade
高級會計學 Advanced accounting
會計理論專題 Accounting Theory
組織行為學 Organization behavior
高級財務管理 Advanced financial management
銀行會計學 Bank Accounting
房地產會計 Real Estate Accounting
資產評估理論與實務 Theory and Practice of Asset Asses *** ent
優秀良好及格其實可以直接用ABC來表示的,如果妳想用確切的詞語,就用Excellent, Good, Pass來表示吧。
3. 課程名稱翻譯
Discussion of post-graate classes, Inter use and development, teaching practice, a pulsory part of courses, public elective courses, professional electives, professional degree courses, courses in public places, the nature of courses, examination dates, the nature of courses, Master of Agriculture, most grateful.
4. 以下課程名怎麽翻譯
1,課程名稱:Curriculum name
2,課程類型:Curriculum type
3,學時:Study period
4,學分:School grades
8,公***基本課程模塊:Public basic curriculum mole
9,學科專業基礎課程:Basic courses professional disciplines
10,公***選修課:Public elective course
11,專業基礎課:Specialized fundamental course
5. 課程名稱英文翻譯
Sports physical rituals
Military Theory
The contemporary/present youth psychology
Modern Enterprise Management
WTO basic knowledge
Chinese calligraphy art appreciation
Women EQ
3D Animation proction
The basis of the Chemical machines
basis chemical machines