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英語泛讀課程three hours to save your life 的課文翻譯

Three Hours To Save your life 救命的三個小時

1) a CAT scan: CAT come from Computed Axial Tomography. CAT scans take the idea of conventional X-Ray imaging to a new level. Instead of finding the outline of bones and organs, a CAT scan machine forms a full three-dimensional computer model of a patient's insides. Doctors can even examine the body one narrow slice at a time to pinpoint specific areas.

1)CAT 掃描:CAT是計算機控制軸向x線斷層攝影術的縮寫。CAT 掃描把我們平常的x光帶到了壹個新的階段。CAT 掃描儀在電腦上形成患者3d的立體內部模型,從而代替了x光的只是形成骨骼和器官的外形。醫生們甚至可以只檢查患者身體的壹小部分,然後確定身體中具體的位置。

2)FDA:The Food and Drug Administration is a team of dedicated professionals working to protect,promote,and enhance the health of American people. FDA is responsible for ensuring that: Foods are safe, wholesome and sanitary; human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices are safe and effective; cosmetics are safe; and electronic products that emit radiation are safe. Regulated products are honestly, accurately and informatively represented. These products are in compliance with the law and FDA regulations; noncompliance is identified and corrected; and any unsafe or unlawful products are removed from the marketplace.

the marketplace

regulations; noncompliance is

honestly, accurately

effective; cosmetics

wholesome and sanitary; human and veterinary drugs

2)FDA:食品藥品監督管理局是壹個保護、促進、加強美國人健康的壹個專家團體。FDA 有責任確保以下這些:食物是安全的、有益健康的、幹凈的。獸藥(血清之類的)、生物學產品、醫用儀器對人們是安全而且起作用的。化妝品是安全的。電子產品和它所發射的輻射是安全的。調節產品應該誠實地準確地寫出信息。這些產品必須遵守國家的法律和FDA的規章制度。不遵守制度的產品將被糾正,同時,不安全不守法的產品也將被移出市場。

3)9-1-1: The first use of 9-1-1 took place in Haleyville, Ala. in January 1968. The town had a population of approximately 4,500 and was serviced by the Alabama Telephone Company (ATC). The 9-1-1 number was intended to be an easy-to-remember, no-coin method of reaching the correct law enforcement, fire and EMS agencies. Congress had declared that 9-1-1 should be the national emergency number just weeks before and a man called Bill Frye, an ATC engineer, quickly made some changes to the company's small telephone system to accept 9-1-1 calls. A debate broke out about where 9-1-1 calls should be routed - to the police, fire department, or local hospital. Officials settled on the Haleyville police, and a red telephone. There was no ANI/ALI service with this first installation. The first 9-1-1 call from Haleyville was made by Alabama Speaker of the House Rankin Fite on February 16, 1968 to Tom Bevill, a U.S. Representative. Later, the two said they exchanged greetings, hung up and "had coffee and doughnuts."

3)9-1-1: 人們第壹次使用9-1-1是在黑利維爾(美國地名),在1968年的1月。整個城鎮的人口大約有4500人,亞拉巴馬(美國壹個州)電訊公司為他們服務。9-1-1這三個數字很好記,法律執行、消防、都可以打這個電話。會議決定9-1-1應該是國際急救電話。而壹個在ATC工作的叫Bill Frye的男人幾周後改變了公司壹些接通9-1-1的手機系統。壹場關於由誰該接通9-1-1的爭議也隨之開始- 是由警察、消防署、還是當地的醫院接聽。在第壹個就職地點沒有ANI或ALI服務。第壹個來自黑利維爾的9-1-1電話是壹個在House Rankin Fite的亞拉巴馬發言者在1968年2月16日打給壹位叫Tom Bevil的英國代表的。後來,他們說他們在電話裏互相問好,掛了電話,然後“吃了甜甜圈喝咖啡”。(這裏應該是沒事幹的意思)

  • 上一篇:兩種中成藥,消炎,抗氧化,修復神經,促進傳導,改善糖友麻木疼痛。
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