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介紹感冒藥怎麽吃的說明 英語作文

Drugs name general name: Phenol hemp US sensitive suspension trade name: Tainuo

Drugs information [character]This is the red suspension body. [pharmacological action]This compound prescription by to the acetyl amino-phenol, the hydrochloric acid pseudoephedrin, the hydrobromic acid right beautiful sabina and maleic acid chlorobenzene that is composed sensitively. To allay a fever the analgesic to the second party acid radical amino-phenol, the action mechanism mainly to suppress the prostaglandin synthesis; The hydrochloric acid pseudoephedrin to plan the adrenalin medicine, may contract the nose mucous membrane blood vessel, reduces the stuffy nose, the class tears symptom; The hydrobromic acid right beautiful sabina is the antitussive, through suppresses the medulla oblongata cough main center to have the function; The maleic acid chlorobenzene that sensitive is the antihistamine, may eliminate or reduce cold to burst into tears, the sneeze and the class tears symptom. [medicine generation of dynamics]To acetyl amino-phenol oral administration absorption fast and completely, in the clothing latter 30 minutes produces brings down a fever the analgetic function, 2~3 hours reach the most high efficiency, bring down a fever the function to be possible to maintain for 4 hours, in the liver metabolism, the half-life 2~4 hours, 60% by the glycuronic acid union, 30% discharge by the sulfate union shape type from the urine, are smaller than 4% medicines discharge in vitro by the primary form. Maleic acid chlorobenzene that sensitive, the hydrobromic acid right beautiful sabina and the hydrochloric acid pseudoephedrin has the good absorption in the gastro-intestinal tract, the majority after the liver metabolism discharges from the urine. [adaptation card]This uses in the young child, may reduce the ordinary cold or the flu causes gives off heat, the headache, the four limbs to be sore, symptoms and so on sneeze, class tears, stuffy nose, cough, pharynx and larynx. [usage amount used]Oral administration: below 2 years old the young child should obey the doctor's advice, below 12 years old the child amount used sees the next table:

age (year old) body weight (kilogram) amount used (milliliter. Time) number of times 2-3 12-14 2.5-3.5, if the symptom does not alleviate, may be separated 4-6 the hour repeatedly to apply drugs one time, 24 hour does not surpass 4 time 4-6 16-20 4-5.5 7-9 22-26 6 10-12 28-32 8 [untoward effect]1st, occasionally has is addicted to mildly rests, the multi-perspirations, dizzy, the asthenia, disgusting, on the abdomen to be ill, the mouth does and has a poor appetite, the skin rash and so on, to be possible to restore voluntarily. 2nd, possibly causes is addicted to rests. 3rd, possibly causes excitedly, is to specially the child. [taboo]This allergy and allays a fever the analgesic allergy taboo to other to use.

[matters needing attention]1st, takes medicine for 3 days later continues to give off heat, please consult doctor. 2nd, has hypertension, diabetes, the energetic depression, heart disease, the armor high sickness, glaucoma, asthma patient as well as sensitive is not suitable to the ephedrine pharmacological action takes this. 3rd, is accompanied by the multi-phlegm the cough, causes the chronic cough by asthma before to using this please do consult doctor. 4th, like appears the new symptom or has the hyperemia, swelling when please do stop using and consulting doctor. 5th, do not including also take with other to the acetyl amino-phenol medicine. 6th, the drugs character has when the change forbids to take. 7th, the liver, kidney function entire does not use cautiously. 8th, the child must use under adult's guardianship. 9th, please place this drugs the place which the child cannot contact. [interaction]1st, allays a fever the analgesic with other with to use, may increase the kidney toxic danger. 2nd, is taking the single ammonia oxidation enzyme inhibitor (to use in depression and so on mental illness, either Parkinson sickness), either in stops in the medicine latter two weeks, please do not use this, if cannot determine the baby takes whether in the medicine to include the single ammonia oxidation enzyme inhibitor, before taking this, please do consult doctor. 3rd, this not suitably with the chloromycetin, the Barbitone kind, or the spasmolytic, the phentolamine, the ocean yellow glucoside class and uses. 4th, like is taking other drugs, before using this, please do consult to doctor or the pharmacist.

[pregnant woman and breast-feeding period woman applies drugs]Before the pregnant woman and the nursing woman takes this, please do consult to doctor. [child applies drugs]below 2 years old the young child should obey the doctor's advice. [old person applies drugs]below 2 years old the young child should obey the doctor's advice. [medicine excessive]When takes medicine excessive or has the serious untoward effect, please namely do go to the hospital to go see a doctor. Excessive will take will further not reduce the condition, instead will cause the health damage.

Dosage-form] [packing]Polyolefine plastic bottled, each bottle of 100ml. [stores]Shade, airtight preservation. [term of validity]Establishes provisionally for 18 months. [authorized document number] country medicine accurate character H20041694 [Production enterprise] Shanghai Johnson manufactures drugs Limited company









用法用量口服:2歲以下小兒應遵醫囑,12歲以下兒童用量見下表 :

年齡(歲) 體重(千克) 用量(毫升.次) 次數

2-3 12-14 2.5-3.5 若癥狀不緩解,可間隔4-6



4-6 16-20 4-5.5

7-9 22-26 6

10-12 28-32 8

不良反應1、偶有輕度嗜睡、多汗、頭昏、乏力、惡心、上腹不適、口幹和食欲不振、皮疹等、可自行恢復。 2、可能引起嗜睡。 3、可能引起興奮、特別是對兒童。


註意事項1、服藥3天後持續發熱,請咨詢醫師。 2、有高血壓、糖尿病、精神抑郁癥、心臟病、甲亢癥、青光眼、哮喘患者以及對麻黃堿藥理作用敏感不宜服用本品。 3、伴有多痰的咳嗽,由哮喘引起的慢性咳嗽 在使用本品前請咨詢醫生。 4、如出現新的癥狀或出現充血、腫脹時請停止使用並咨詢醫生。 5、不得與其它含對乙酰氨基酚的藥物同時服用。 6、藥品性狀發生改變時禁止服用。 7、肝、腎功能不全者慎用。 8、兒童必須在成人的監護下使用。 9、請將此藥品放在兒童不能接觸的地方。

相互作用1、與其它解熱鎮痛藥同用,可增加腎毒性的危險。 2、正在服用單氨氧化酶抑制劑(用於抑郁癥等精神疾病,或帕金森病),或在停藥後二周內,請不要使用本品,如果不能確定患兒服的藥中是否含有單氨氧化酶抑制劑,服用本品前請咨詢醫生。 3、本品不宜與氯黴素、巴比妥類、或解痙藥、酚妥拉明、洋黃地苷類並用。 4、如正在服用其它藥品,使用本品前請向醫師或藥師咨詢。















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