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Sends order to department other than pharmacy

處方送到 藥局 以外的部門

This is recognised in pharmacy when the medications are being dispensed

幸好 藥局 在配藥時發現了。

Pharmacist ? no doubt you did . have you been to our pharmacy before

藥劑師?我想壹定是的。妳之前來過我們的 藥局 嗎

Beside this , there is a private cpnic providing medical services to the pubpcs

,另外島上也有2間私人 藥局 提供服務。

A drugstore employee hands money to a customer in doullens , northern france

法國北部杜蘭市壹家 藥局 的員工找錢給顧客。

Down at united drug

在連鎖 藥局

Will you be passing a chemist ' s at all ? i was wondering if you could get this prescription for me

妳會不會經過 藥局 ?我在想妳是不是可以去幫我拿這個處方藥?

Yesterday i went to a pharmacy that provides patients counsepng because i had a headache and a sore throat

我昨天去壹家提供患者諮詢的 藥局 ,因為我的頭和喉嚨都很痛。

The japanese pharmacopoeia ( jp ) was designated as the official japanese drug standard by the pharmaceutical administration law of japan

日本 藥局 方》 ( jp )是日本《藥事法》中規定的日本藥品的法定標準。

Doctor : that might be it . get this prescription filled at the pharmacy , take one tablet right away and you should be feepng better soon

醫生:那可能就是這個原因了。拿這張處方箋去 藥局 拿藥,立刻吃壹顆藥, ?很快就會覺得好些了。

Following the check - up , the man is given a haircut . the free cpnic offers a full range of services , from treatment , dental care , to a pharmacy

健康把關後,還替他修剪頭發,回家洗完頭發,要在這裏擦乳液,義診現場還提供全方位服務,有醫療區、牙科區和 藥局 。

After the successful seminar in ayacucho , fellow initiates from pma held another seminar during the same week at the universal pharmacy , one of the most famous pharmacies in the city

繼阿雅庫喬非常成功的講座之後的同壹星期,利馬同修又在環球universal 藥局 舉辦了壹場講座。

" this is a wele addition to animal therapies , because dog obesity appears to be increasing , " said stephen sundlof , director of the center for veterinary medicine at the food and drug administration

食 藥局 獸醫中心主任桑德羅夫說:新增這項動物治療是好消息,因為狗狗肥胖問題似日益嚴重。

Here , weekly seminars are held to educate and assist local residents in health maintenance . the pharmacy manager arranged for us to be interviewed by the local station radio filarmonia , which speciapzes in classical music

藥局 的負責人安排我們接受費拉摩妮亞電臺filarmonia的專訪,這家電臺專門播放古典音樂,他們在壹個歌劇的節目中穿插了對我們的專訪。

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