當前位置:偏方大全网 - 藥品查詢 - 食品保質期的英文縮寫是什麽?


1、保質期的英文縮寫是EXP,全稱是expiration date。

2、expiration date的英式發音為[?eksp?ren deit],美式發音為[?ksp?re?n det] ,意思有;截止日期,產品有效期。

expiration date

1. Check the expiration date on your passport. ?


2. Your girlfriend's past her expiration date, and we're crazy


3. Can I have your credit card number followed by the expiration date

能告訴我妳的信用卡號碼和它的到期日 嗎 ?

4. It's a coupIe weeks past its expiration date, so it's got a bit of a kick. ?

過期兩個禮拜了, 還有壹點後勁兒.

5. Does the East West Bank Prepaid Gift Card have an expiration date

華美銀行預付禮金卡有使用期限 嗎 ?

6. The expiration date not valid. Enter a date between tomorrow and | 0. ?


7. A commitment is only commitment, because it has no expiration date. ?

承諾之所以是承諾, 是因為沒有截至時間.

8. The only products an expiration date are those containing SPF. ?

只有含有SPF防 曬值的產品才會標過期日期.

9. This Contract shall be terminated on the expiration date. ?


10. Don't use take this medicine after the expiration date. ?


11. Also includes an advanced option for setting block expiration date. ?


12. We put an expiration date of three years of manufacture. ?


13. After the expiration date, the court will only accept'new evidence '. ?

舉證期限屆滿後, 法院只會接受當事人提交的[新的證據].

14. Is there a system in place to monitor chemical reagent expiration date


15. The expiration date has already passed. ?


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