當前位置:偏方大全网 - 藥品說明 - 求英文翻譯 論文用 不要翻譯器翻譯 藥品包裝材料是藥品質量的保證,能否在規定期限內保障藥品的安全、有效

求英文翻譯 論文用 不要翻譯器翻譯 藥品包裝材料是藥品質量的保證,能否在規定期限內保障藥品的安全、有效

Drug packaging materials is a guarantee of the quality of medicines,it is very important to make sure the medicine 's safety,efficiency ,stabilization 。this thesis analyses the reason that how the packaging material influences the quality of medicine by elaborating these points below ,first: the material that contacts the medicine directly ; additive ; production crafts and so on, to make sure that the quality of the medicine steady and the broad masses can use safe and effiective medicine.

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