當前位置:偏方大全网 - 藥品說明 - 英語高手 求助漢翻譯英。 快。50分+20分=70分。要準確度。

英語高手 求助漢翻譯英。 快。50分+20分=70分。要準確度。

At present,the foreign pharmaceutical enterprise Currently which entered in China has 1,500, the world's top 20 multinational pharmaceutical enterprises have engaged in our joint venture, some also opened solely invested enterprise,the share of market of import medicine, joint venture medicine has more than 50%, this is one of the important reasons which it's too wxpensive to see a doctor.

Foreign capital enterprise's medicine, even exceed the patent period, the medicine price which Chinese enterprises manufactured with the same varieties is 41.3% than foreign capital enterprise's price, some even just about 10% of a foreign-capital enterprise's. And this is aimed at "separate pricing" product adjustment,it is expected to further adjust chinese-foreign medicine enterprises' balance.

Depreciating group after group at different times in future.

But the above domestic manufacturer's views are not approved by foreign-capital enterprise.

Yesterday, a executives of China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment (CAEFI) drug research and development industry committee (RDPAC) indicate that Compared with international,our copy drug price is 22%~30% of international general price leve, which based on the original drug price adjustment would restain industry quality system input, against our country medicine market and the healthy development of the pharmaceutical industry.

For multinational pharmaceutical enterprise,due to a new drug of its r&d input is more than $1 billion basically, such a great investment need great number of expenses for medicine to give in return.


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