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Laughing is one of life's most simple pleasures. It is free. You can do it anywhere. And it makes you feel good!


There is another thing you should know about laughter: Laughter is contagious.


Like the flu, laughter can spread easily among people. Often when we hear someone laughing in a crowded room or a packed train, for example, we start laughing too — even if we have no idea why.


But unlike the flu, even a good handwashing will not protect you against breaking into a fit of laughter. Your eyes water, your heart rate goes up and your face gets that beautiful laughter glow.


In fact, many doctors say that mental health can affect physical health. You might even say, "Laughter is the best medicine."


However, "laughter is the best medicine" does not mean that you should not take medicine when you are sick. It simply means that having a positive outlook might help ease your troubles.

但是,“笑是最佳良藥” 並不意味著妳生病時可以不吃藥。這句話只是在說,積極的心態可能會減輕妳的痛苦。

People who use this expression are probably pretty happy people.


Then there are those other types — you know, people who are always grumpy.


We could call someone who does not like to laugh a curmudgeon. A curmudgeon is bad-tempered, ill-natured and just generally not fun to be around.


Well, unless you yourself are a curmudgeon. If that is the case, you two could hang out and not laugh and not have fun together! You know what we say — misery loves company.


As we also like to say: Laugh and the world laughs with you; cry and you cry alone.


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