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 part C

 Medical Education

 In 18th century colonial America, those who wanted to become physicians either learned as personal students from established professionals or went abroad to study in the traditional schools of London, Paris and Edinburgh. Medicine was first taught formally by specialists at the University of Pennsylvania, beginning in 1765, and in 1767 at King's College (now Columbia University), the first institution in the colonies to give the degree of doctor of medicine.

 Following the American Revolution, the Columbia medical faculty (formerly of King's College) was combined with the College of Physicians and Surgeons, chartered in 1809, which survives as a division of Columbia University.

 In 1893 the Johns Hopkins Medical School required all applicants to have a college degree and was the first to afford its students the opportunity to further their training in an attached teaching hospital. The growth of medical schools attached with established institutions of learning went together with the development of proprietary (私營的 ) schools of medicine run for personal profit, most of which had 10W standards and poor facilities. In 1910 Abraham Flexner, the American education reformer, wrote Medical Education in the United States and Canada, exposing the poor conditions of most proprietary schools. Subsequently, the American Medical Association(AMA) and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) laid down standards for course content, qualifications of teachers, laboratory facilities, connection with teaching hospitals,and licensing of medical practitioners (開業醫師) that survive to this day.

 By the late 1980s the U.S. and Canada had 1,424 medical colleges recognized by the Liaison(聯絡) Committee on Medical Education to offer the M. D. degree; during the 1987-1988 academic year, 47,262 men and 25,686 women entered these colleges and an estimated 11,752 men and 5,958 women were graduated. Graduates, after a year of internship ( 實習期 ) , receive licenses to practice if they pass an examination given either by a state board or by the National Board of Medical Examiners.

 1. In 18th century America, higher institutions of learning that taught medicine __________.

 A. did not exist

 B. were few in number

 C. were better than those in Europe

 D. were known for their teaching hospitals

 2. Initially most proprietary schools of medicine in America __________.

 A. had established professionals

 B. had good facilities

 C. had high standards

 D. were in poor conditions

 3. The AMA and AAMC established standards so as to __________.

 A. recruit more students

 B. set up more schools of medicine

 C. ensure the quality of medical teaching and practice

 D. prevent medical schools from making huge profits

 4. After a year of internship medical graduates can start to practice __________.

 A. if they have worked in a laboratory

 B. if they have studied abroad for some time

 C. if they have obtained an M. D. degree

 D. if they have passed an examination

 5. This passage is mainly about __________.

 A. how medicine is taught in America

 B. how medical education has developed in America

 C. how the American educational system works

 D. how one can become a good doctor


 part A

 1. C。細節題。題幹:研究的目標是發現新的方法來 __________。利用題幹關鍵詞可以定位到短文的第二段,提到了此項研究的goal,即aim,這便是learning new ways to treat or prevent illness。

 2. D。細節題。題幹:研究者收集了下列東西,除了 __________。利用題幹關鍵詞可以定位到短文的第四段。第四項應該是?參加研究的婦女及其嬰兒家中的空氣與水等物質?,而


 3. A。細節題。題幹:通過研究,國家的醫療費用期望可以 __________。利用題幹關鍵詞可以定位到短文的第六段,即預計從長遠的角度講,此項研究將有利於節約國家衛生保健費用的開支。

 4. B。細節題。題幹:參與者的嬰兒會被跟蹤調查 __________。利用題幹關鍵詞可以定位到短。文的倒數第三段,即這些嬰兒將從出生前壹直被跟蹤到21歲。

 5. D。細節題。題幹:下列關於研究參與者的說法哪壹項是不正確的?利用題幹關鍵詞可以定位到最後壹段。前三項在短文的最後壹段都有提及,只有第四項是錯誤的,因為研究對象都是懷孕的婦女,不可能是所有年齡段的人們。

 part B

 1. A。細節題。題幹:為什麽遠古的火山爆發比近期的火山爆發破壞性更大?利用題幹關鍵詞可以定位到第壹段:古代的火山更具破壞力,不是因為它們更大,而是因為它們釋放出的二氧化碳更能輕易地毀滅生命。

 2. D。細節題。題幹:Wignall是如何計算出遠古火山爆發的殺傷力的?利用題幹關鍵詞可以定位到第二段。第二段有這樣壹句話:He calculated the?killing efficiency?for these volcanoes by comparing the proportion of life they killed off with the volume of lava that they produced.(他通過比較火山釋放出的熔巖的體積與殺死生命的比例計算這些火山的殺傷力)。

 3. D。細節題。題幹:恐龍是什麽時候滅絕的?利用題幹關鍵詞可以定位到第三段。其中有這麽壹句話:He ignored the extinction which wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago,because many scientists believe it was primarily caused by the impact of an asteroid.(他沒有提及6500萬年前恐龍的滅絕,因為許多科學家相信恐龍的滅絕是受壹顆小行星的影響)。

 4. D。細節題。題幹:從第三段還可以推導出有關恐龍的什麽樣的信息?在討論第三題的答案時,我們已經註意到了,Wignall沒有提6500萬年前恐龍的滅絕是否跟火山爆發有關,因為許多科學家相信恐龍的滅絕是受壹顆小行星的影響。這就說明,關於恐龍滅絕的原因在科學家之間是有爭議的。

 5. B。主旨題。問題問的是:文章的主要論點是什麽?答案在文章的第壹句:Volcanoes were more destructive in ancient history(古代火山更具破壞力)。

 part C

 1. B。細節題。題幹:在18世紀的美國,教授醫學的'高等學習機構 __________。利用題幹關鍵詞可以定位到文章第壹段,可知在18世紀的美國,醫學院校寥寥無幾。如果有人想當醫生,就要跟專業人員私下學,或者出國學習。直到1765年,才首次有高等院校正式開設醫學課程。

 2. D。細節題。題幹:最初多數的私營醫學院 __________。利用題目順序與段落順序壹致的原則和題幹關鍵詞可以定位到文章第二段中的第二句,即早期的私營醫學院校大都標準不高,設備較差。

 3. C。細節題:AMA and AAMC設立了標準,以便 __________。利用題幹中的專有名詞可以定位到文章第二段的最後壹句,即AMA與AAM制訂了壹系列標準,以保證醫學教學與實踐的質量。

 4. D。細節題。經過壹年實習的畢業生可以開始 __________。利用題幹關鍵詞可以定位到文章的最後壹段,即醫學畢業生經過壹年的實習期後,要通過州或國家的相關考試,方可獲取行醫執照。

 5. B。主旨題。題幹:這篇文章主要是關於 __________。從文章的題目和內容可知,全文重點探討的是美國醫學教育的歷史沿革。

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