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1:伊利丹被解禁的時候,說的第壹句話:“ Tyrande ? It is your voice ,After all this ages spent in darkness , your voice is like the pure light of moon upon my mind . ”(“泰蘭德?真的是妳的聲音,在黑暗中度過壹萬年的漫長歲月後,妳的聲音還是如同皎潔的月光壹般照進我的心中。”)

2:還是多情的伊利丹::“ Because I once care for you , Tyrande . I'll hunt down the demons . But I'll never own our people anything ! ”(“因為我曾經在乎妳,所以我會為妳鏟除那些惡魔,泰蘭德,但我絕不欠我的人民任何東西!”)

3::“ So be it , Brother . ”(“那就這樣吧,我的兄弟。”)當法裏奧下令將他永遠驅逐出精靈族的時候,伊利丹沒有壹句辯解的話,身頭也不回地就離開了。

4:冰封開場CG:“Betrayer.....In Trueth , it was I whos was betrayed ! Still I'am hunted....Still I'am hated ! Now my blind eyes see what others can not ! At sometimes , the hand of fate must be forced ! ”(“背叛嗎?事實上我才是被背叛的!如今我仍然被人們所追殺,如今我仍然被人們所憎恨!現在我失明的雙目卻能預見到其他人所不能預見的未來,有些時候,命運之手必須掌握在自己手中。”)

5:蛋蛋太可憐了:“ Monster ? Is that what you think of me ? I was.....always care for you ! Tyrande ! I thought only to prove this word in this.....my power ! ”(“怪物?妳就是這麽看我的?泰蘭德?我壹直在乎妳!我只想通過自己的力量來能證明這點。“)

6: Believe me , brother , despite all our differences , you know that I'll never lead Tyrande to harm ..... ”(“相信我,我的兄弟,雖然我們有著居多不同,但妳知道我是絕對不會傷害泰蘭德的。”)

“ I swear on my life I'll bring her back , my brother .... ”(“我以我的生命發誓我會把泰蘭德帶回來,我的兄弟。”)

“ We have much strife between us , my brother , I've own ages of hate for you , but from my part , I wish to end from this day forward , let there be peace between us .... ”(“ 我們之間有過許多爭執,我本該永遠恨妳,但是就我而言,我希望從今以後我以後們之間能保持和平。”)


老國王:ah...my son,you needn't spend your life on your people any more,i've taken care of every thing

what is this? what are you doing my son?

小阿:succeeding you ,father!

8:劍聖死之前:Thrall,the blood haze has elefted,the demon's fire has burnt out in my veins,I ....have....freed myself.


9:小阿第壹幕答應壹個小孩去救人時的話很溫柔:DON'T WORRY SON,I WILL BRING THEM HOME.(別擔心,我的孩子,我會把他們帶回家的.”)


11:小阿和LICHKING合體時:“Now,we are one!!”


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