當前位置:偏方大全网 - 藥品查詢 - BIS認證怎麽做,需要多少錢







1. 申請表;

2. 證明在印度當地有代理人的任命表,或者證明制造商印度辦事處的證明文件,以及印度儲備銀行的許可書;

3. 證明公司成立的文件,比如註冊證;

4. 工藝流程圖,說明產品制造的全過程,(從原材料到成品);

5. 質量控制體系(如質量手冊,質量控制計劃,測試安排等);

6. 如果有的話,提供產品或者體系認證的其他詳細資料;

7. 如果有的話,在認證前提供用於產品制造的元件或原材料的詳細資料;

8. 生產制造的機器的清單;

9. 測試過程中的試驗設備清單;

10. 產品設計圖;

11. 實驗室主管,技術和QC職員的資格證書以及經歷的詳細細節;

12. 來自認可的獨立實驗室或者工廠自己的實驗室的測試報告;

13. 廠房的布局示意圖,清楚的顯示出主要的生產機器,實驗室等;

14. 工廠附近的交通示意圖,從最近的機場或火車站到工廠的示意圖,以及從印度到工廠的詳細說明;

15. 匯票底單


a)SANS IEC 60335 – 家用電器的安全要求,如:水壺,熨鬥,爐子,冰箱,商業用途餐飲設備等

b)SANS IEC 60065 – 可視聽設備和類似的電子設備的安全要求,如:電視機,錄像機,高保真,收音機等

c)SANS IEC 61029 – 移動式電動工具的安全要求,如:圓鋸,研磨機等

d)SANS IEC 60745 – 手持電動工具的安全要求,如:鉆頭,磨沙機等

e) SANS IEC 60598 – 壹般用途固定燈具的安全要求包括SANS475性能要求中的功率因數

f)SANS IEC 60950 – 信息技術設備和相關設備的安全要求,如計算機,打印機,復印機等

g)VC8075 – 固定敷設用擠包固體電解質絕緣電力電纜(300/500V到1900/3300V)強制性規範

h)VC8077 – 中壓電線電纜安全的強制性規定

i)VC8043 – 白熾燈安全強制性規範


What is BIS certification?

BIS認證是ISI認證發證機構印度標準局(The Bureau of Indian Standards),簡稱BIS,具體負責產品認證工作,它是印度唯壹的產品認證機構。

BIS certification is The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), which is responsible for product certification. It is the only product certification organization in India.


Up to now, BIS has issued more than 30,000 product certification .certificates covering almost every industrial field such as agricultural products, textiles and electronics. The BIS product certification passes the initial inspection and evaluation of the factory quality management system, sample testing, and the certification is issued after passing the certification. After the certification, it is supervised by the factory quality management system to determine whether the product is consistent with Indian standards by testing samples taken at the factory and in the market.

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The processes of BIS certification


1、申請 Apply


Foreign sellers who want to obtain BIS certification generally need to use a special application and prepare relevant documents to apply to BIS New Delhi headquarters;


2、記錄 Record


BIS will review the application documents and materials submitted by the applicant. If the procedures are complete, the application will be recorded (the applicant must pay the corresponding processing fee);


3、初次工廠檢驗 Initial factory inspection


BIS will assign an official group with less than 2 persons to the factory for inspection, and the applicant will also be responsible for the travel expenses, visa fees and other expenses incurred by the official group to the factory inspection and the corresponding inspection fees;


4、頒發證書 Issue certificates


If the initial inspection and test results are qualified, and the applicant agrees to the BIS-approved inspection test plan and pays the BIS identification fee after approval, the BIS may issue a certificate to the applicant, and the certificate is valid for one year. After the certificate is granted, the licensees are required to pay the logo fee and the annual certificate fee.


5、監督 Supervision


BIS will supervise the quality of its certified products through routine supervision of the licensee and urgent inspections and tests on samples from the factory and the market. If the sample is taken from the factory or the market, the factory inspection and independent test results meet the requirements, the certificate can be updated. The licensees submit applications for renewal to BIS by submitting the specified form, and the licensee is also required to bear the sample inspection fee.

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