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我們都知道單純使用激素類藥物會有很多不良反應,所以在歐洲會用DHEA AMH輔助激素類藥物,2000年歐盟最先提出,除了藥物,要在植物萃取方面幫助女性健康的自然妊娠和試管。隨後美國也提出,將和歐盟壹同研究如何輔助試管和自然孕育。美國內分泌學會聯合美國婦產科醫師學會等組織***同任命壹個工作小組,從多維度、多系統——考慮女性自然妊娠和試管成功及胚胎質量的問題,發出了復合備孕修復因子DHEA AMH治療指南。


復合備孕修復因子DHEA AMH——多系統治療指南


DHEA AMH意義解析:DHEA 平衡受孕前母體的激素水平,AMH增加卵子的儲備功能.


(1)首先是內外生殖系統發育正常,保證性生活正常進行,輸卵管的拾卵、輸送卵子、受精並輸送 受精卵至宮腔的功能良好。

(2)女性內分泌軸下丘腦-垂體-卵巢功能正常,有成熟 卵泡排出,形成黃體並功能健全。

(3)子宮內膜的增殖期、分泌期的周期性變化 利於受精卵著床,以上環節中有任何壹個異常,均可導致受孕障礙。

Another benefit of DHEAAMH is that the pregnancy rate of women is unexpectedly high, especially among women with weakened ovarian function. DHEAAMH supplementation is also associated with increasing the cumulative pregnancy rate and shortening the interval between pregnancies. There is evidence that ovarian function decline is involved in the evaluation and treatment of infertility.

During the 10 years from 2005 to 2015, a case-control study was conducted on 190 women aged over 30 with impaired ovarian function. The study group consisted of 89 patients with an average age of about 41.6 years, who received approximately 75 mg of oral micronized DHEA daily for up to four months before entering IVF. The control group consisted of 101 patients with an average age of about 40.0 years who received treatment for infertility but did not use DHEAAMH. The main outcome was clinical pregnancy after the first visit.

The ovarian stimulation in the study group and the control group was the same, including microdose agonist stimulation, followed by the maximum dose of gonadotropin stimulation, using about 300-450 IU FSH and about 150 IU HMG. The study patient continued to receive DHEAAMH until a positive pregnancy test was obtained or until the patient stopped treatment.

Using the developed risk model, the proportional risk of pregnancy in women using DHEAAMH was compared with a control group. As a result, the cumulative clinical pregnancy rate in the study group was significantly higher (25 pregnancies in 89 patients accounted for 28%, and 11 pregnancies in 101 patients accounted for 11%; specifically, about 58% of patients receiving DHEAAMH achieved clinical pregnancy, and about 11% of patients not receiving DHEAAMH achieved clinical pregnancy. Therefore, DHEAAMH treatment increased the percentage of clinical pregnancy by about 130% to about 180%.

With the increase of clinical pregnancy rate, the abortion rate of women with an average age of 31.6 years in this study decreased after receiving DHEAAMH treatment. The clinical data provided evidence that DHEAAMH supplementation increased the natural pregnancy rate, test tube pregnancy rate, cumulative pregnancy rate, and shortened the pregnancy interval.


2005年至 2015 年 10 年期間,對 190 名 30 歲以上卵巢功能減弱的女性進行了病例對照研究。研究組包括 89 名平均年齡約 41.6 歲的患者,他們每天補充約 75 毫克口服微粉化 DHEA在進入試管嬰兒之前最多四個月。對照組由 101 名平均年齡約為 40.0 歲的患者組成,他們接受了不能懷孕癥治療但未使用DHEAAMH。主要結果是患者初次就診後的臨床妊娠。

研究組和對照組的卵巢刺激相同,包括微劑量激動劑刺激,然後是最大劑量的促性腺激素刺激,使用約 300-450 IU 的 FSH 和約 150 IU 的 HMG。研究患者持續接受DHEAAMH,直到獲得陽性妊娠試驗或直到患者停止治療。

使用開發的風險模型,將使用 DHEAAMH的女性懷孕的比例風險與對照組進行比較。結果是,研究組的累積臨床妊娠率顯著更高(89 名患者 25 次妊娠占 28%,101 名患者 11 次妊娠占 11%;具體而言,接受 DHEAAMH的患者中約有 58% 實現了臨床妊娠,未接受DHEAAMH的患者中約有 11% 實現了臨床妊娠。因此,DHEAAMH治療使臨床妊娠的百分比增加約130%至約180%。

隨著臨床妊娠率的增加,本研究中平均年齡約為 31.6 歲的女性接受了DHEAAMH治療後流產率有所降低。 臨床數據提供了證據,表明補充DHEAAMH提高了自然妊娠率、試管 妊娠率、累積妊娠率,並縮短了妊娠時間間隔。(雪諾酮早上用還是晚上用?雪諾酮副作用)


01? 產前檢查需積極



02? 服用藥物需謹慎




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04? 勞逸有度



05? 節制房事




In recent years, foreign studies have found that DHEA AMH can repair the ovary, provide ovarian nutrition, improve ovarian reserve function, reduce chromosomal aneuploidy, improve embryo quality, reduce abortion rate and cycle cancellation rate, thus increasing the clinical pregnancy rate.

In the randomized controlled study of DHEA AMH, 65 patients who took DHEA AMH premetalization therapy as the study group and 48 patients who did not take DHEA AMH as the control group on the basis of promoting excretion. Before the test tube cycle, the patients in the study group took orally DHEA AMH (French ACETEA company, 13g/bag) 13g/time, twice a day, and rechecked the basic endocrine every month. If they felt unwell, they could stop taking DHEA AMH orally and continue to use it after being normal.

All patients in the study group were treated with DHEA AMH for 3 months at the beginning of the cycle. Before and after taking DHEA AMH, the basic endocrine was measured on the third day of menstruation, and the number of sinus follicles in bilateral ovaries was counted by B-ultrasound. After the cycle, according to the test tube routine, when the dominant follicle is>18mm, HCG is injected, the eggs are taken 36 hours later, inseminated 4 hours later, and fertilization is evaluated 20 hours later.

After the study group took DHEA AMH, the basal FSH decreased significantly and basal AFC increased significantly. AFC was one of the accurate and reliable indicators of ovarian reserve function. The experimental data showed that DHEA AMH could increase the number of fertilized oocytes and embryos in patients with poor ovarian function, and improve the quality of oocytes and embryos. The results of this study, combined with many studies at home and abroad, show that DHEA AMH provides essential nutrition for ovaries, achieves the goal of repairing ovaries, improves ovarian reserve function, improves embryo quality, and improves the pregnancy outcome of test tube cycle.

When DHEAAMH cannot be used, scholars have to use high-dose ovulation promoting drugs to promote ovulation. In most cases, the cost is high, the response is low, and the clinical effect is uncertain. However, it has been recognized that DHEAAMH can increase the number of ovulation and pregnancy rate.

近年來國外研究發現DHEA AMH能夠修復卵巢,提供卵巢營養,改善卵巢儲備功能,減少染色體非整倍性,改善胚胎質量,降低流產率和周期取消率,從而提高了臨床妊娠率。

在對研究DHEA AMH采用隨機對照研究,在促排的基礎上將服用DHEA AMH 預冶療的65例患者,作為研究組,未服用DHEA AMH的48例患者作為對照組。研究組患者行試管周期前,口服DHEA AMH(法國ACMETEA公司,13g/包)13g/次,每日2次,每月復查基礎內分泌,若身體不適,可停止口服,待正常後繼續使用。

研究組所有患者進周期時均經DHEA AMH冶療3個月,服用前後分別於月經第三天測基礎內分泌,並行B超計數雙側卵巢內的竇卵泡數。進周期後按試管常規,當主導卵泡>18mm時,註射HCG,36h後取卵,4h後授精,20h 後評估受精。

研究組服用DHEA AMH後,基礎FSH明顯下降及基礎AFC明顯增加,AFC是卵巢儲備功能準確可靠的指標之壹,實驗數據說明DHEA AMH能增加卵巢功能不好的患者的受精卵母細胞數及胚胎數,並且能夠提高卵母細胞和胚胎的質量。本研究結果結合國內外的多項研究表明:DHEA AMH提供了卵巢必備的營養,達到了修復卵巢,可提高卵巢儲備功能,提高胚胎質量,從而改善試管周期妊娠結局。




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