當前位置:偏方大全网 - 藥品查詢 - 什麽是過敏性咳嗽?



(前面都是我瞎啰嗦,沒興趣的直接看後面的譯文,其中新藥“butterbur提取物”部分我認為您應該看看)我也是個過敏性鼻炎患者!我相信我個人的過敏性鼻炎不會比妳們的輕些,(大四剛開學的時候平均每 天打n個噴嚏,鼻子下邊和人中的皮都被我擦掉了!)但我在求醫的道路上沒上過當,也是比較順利的, 因為我知道如果有人說他可以根治,那是在撒謊!嚴格的說我就沒求過醫,只是自己到網上看了看有關過敏和鼻炎的文檔(包括壹些英文的,也就是說即使是國外最先進的技術也不能根治這個病,所以就不要輕易相信國內那些非官方的、不正式的宣傳:xxxx可以根治過敏性鼻炎)。


我在論壇裏經常看到有人在“求醫”的時候都上了當!下邊我想談談大家在選擇治療方案和選購藥品時應該註意的壹些事項!首先:自己要對過敏和鼻炎有壹定的了解,讀壹些官方資料,大概了解壹下目前這方面國外的先進技術(壹定是官方的,不是商家宣傳的。)這樣在妳求醫的時候通過交談妳就能知道妳所面對的這位“專家 ”或“醫師”是不是在騙妳錢!另外:在購買藥品的時候也要十分小心(我媽今年暑假就買了“假藥”了 ,說是進口的治鼻炎的藥,結果在網上壹查是進口的治肝炎的藥,還是在職工醫院開的,[我是油田的], 當時醫生開藥就沒敢給我母親包裝盒)!買藥的時候並不壹定是貴就好,而且貴的裏面很大的可能性是假藥,或者即使藥是真的,但它本身並不值那些錢,也就是說可能有些其他正規的藥,療效比它還好,價格比他還便宜的多!(今年暑假還有壹件事就是,我的壹個朋友花了150多買了瓶治過敏性鼻炎的藥,說是澳大利亞進 口的,結果我在澳大利亞登記企業的官方網站上找不到它所寫的廠商!)所以大家在打算購買某個自稱是 xxx進口藥的時候壹定要小心,因為這些藥往往會比較貴(個人感覺那些貴的離譜的藥往往都是不地道的藥[即假藥或胡亂要價的藥]!)國家對藥品的進口有嚴格的控制,進口藥品都有個進口批號之類的東西,這些進口藥品都可以從“食品藥品監督局”查到!如果在“食品藥品監督局”查不到妳要買的藥,那應該就是假藥了!如果“食品藥品監督局”拒絕服務的話,就只能走些彎路了。(“食品藥品監督局”的數據庫查詢系統好像就壹直不能用,我打過壹次電話,態度也不好,啥也沒告訴我,就說讓我去查數據庫,shit!數據庫能用我給他打電話!!)!那些西方發達國家都有官方網站登記了本國所有的註冊企業,同樣也有官方的醫藥健康網站,妳可以從那查到有用的信息(從這壹點也能 看出中西方的差距)!


下面的文檔連接:/GetContent.aspx?token=e0498803-7f62-4563-8d47-5fe33da65dd4&chunkiid=21414) (推薦各位病友大概看看,相信對您會有些幫助的!)

Allergies, Respiratory

Related Terms

? Hay Fever; Pollen Allergy; Seasonal Allergy

Principal Proposed Natural Treatments

? Butterbur

Other Proposed Natural Treatments

? Acupuncture; Adrenal Extract; Ayurvedic Medicine; Bacopa Monniera (brahmi); barberry; Bee Pollen; Betaine Hydrochloride; Cat's Claw; Coleus forskohlii; Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization (EPD); Fish Oil; GLA (Gamma-linolenic Acid); Hypnosis; MSM; Nettle Leaf; OPCs; Other Flavonoids, including Citrus Bioflavonoids; Probiotics; Quercetin; Rosmarinic Acid / Perilla Frutescens; Soy Sauce Extract (Shoyu Polysaccharides); Spirulina; Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT); Tinospora Cordifolia; Topical Capsaicin; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Vitamin B 6; Vitamin B 12; Vitamin C; Vitamin E







針灸;腎上腺提取物;Ayurvedic Medicine;Bacopa Monniera (brahmi);伏牛花;Bee Pollen;Betaine Hydrochloride;貓爪; Coleus forskohlii;Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization (EPD);魚油;GLA (Gamma-linolenic Acid);Hypnosis; MSM; 蕁麻葉; OPCs(葡萄籽提取物); Other Flavonoids, including Citrus Bioflavonoids; Probiotics; Quercetin; Rosmarinic Acid / Perilla Frutescens; Soy Sauce Extract (Shoyu Polysaccharides); Spirulina; Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT); Tinospora Cordifolia; 局部辣椒素; 中國傳統中醫; 維生素 B 6; 維生素 B 12; 維生素 C; 維生素 E

For other types of allergies, see Asthma and Eczema.

About 7% of all Americans suffer from hay fever, an allergic condition that can cause runny nose, sneezing, and teary eyes. It is known officially as allergic rhinitis, allergic sinusitis, or allergic conjunctivitis, depending on whether symptoms manifest mainly in the nose, sinuses, or eyes, respectively. Hay fever usually peaks when particular plants are pollinating or when molds are flourishing. People who suffer from year-round hay fever (perennial rhinitis) may be allergic to persistent allergens in the environment coming from such sources as dust mites, mice, and cockroaches.

Here's how hay fever works. In response to the triggers noted above, an individual prone to allergies develops an exaggerated immune response. Substances known as IgEs flood the nasal passages, white blood cells called eosinophils arrive by the millions and billions, and inflammatory substances such as histamine, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes are released in massive amounts. The overall effect is the familiar one of swelling, dripping, itching, and aching.

The mechanism of allergic response is fairly well understood. Why allergic people react so excessively to innocent bits of pollen, however, remains a complete mystery.

Conventional treatment for hay fever primarily involves non-sedating antihistamines and nasal steroids, and is usually quite effective.



以下是過敏的工作原理。通過對以上所提物質的反應,過敏患者的免疫系統會作出過激的反應。當壹種被叫做IgEs的物質流通鼻道時白血細胞就會喚醒數億的eosinophils,從而釋放出大量的具有刺激性的物質例如histamine, prostaglandins, 和 leukotrienes。其後果就是我們熟悉的腫,流鼻涕,癢,和疼。


治療過敏的常規方法主要有:non-sedating antihistamines(不含鎮靜劑的抗組胺劑) 和 nasal steroids(鼻用類固醇),並且通常很有效。

Principal Proposed Natural Treatments


The herb butterbur is best known as a promising new treatment for migraine headaches. However, butterbur may also be helpful for allergic rhinitis.

In a 2-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 186 people with intermittent allergic rhinitis, use of butterbur at a dose of three standardized tablets daily, or one tablet daily, reduced allergy symptoms as compared to placebo.34 Significantly greater benefits were seen in the higher dose group. Such "dose dependency" is taken as a confirming sign that a treatment really works.

In another double-blind study, 330 people were given either butterbur extract (one tablet three times daily), the antihistamine fexofenadine (Allegra), or placebo. 44 The results showed that butterbur and fexofenadine were equally effective, and both were more effective than placebo.

A previous 2-week, double-blind study of 125 individuals with hay fever (technically, seasonal allergic rhinitis) compared a standardized butterbur extract against the antihistamine drug certizine.18 According to ratings by both doctors and patients, the two treatments proved about equally effective. Unfortunately, this study did not use a placebo group.

Two much smaller studies produced inconsistent results.27,35

For more information, including dosage and safety issues, see the full butterbur article.





在另外壹項雙盲研究中,330名患者每天給服用Butterbur提取物(每天3次,壹次壹片)和antihistamine fexofenadine (Allegra), 或安慰劑,其結果顯示Butterbur和fexofenadine都同樣有效,並且同時使用效果比安慰劑更好。




Other Proposed Natural Treatments






Petasites hybridus

Principal Proposed Uses

? Allergies; Migraine Headaches (Prevention)

Other Proposed Uses

? Asthma; Musculoskeletal Pain; Ulcer Protection


Petasites hybridus(可能是壹種成分)




哮喘;Musculoskeletal Pain;潰瘍保護物

Butterbur can be found growing along rivers, ditches, and marshy areas in northern Asia, Europe, and parts of North America. It sends up stalks of reddish flowers very early in spring, before producing very large heart-shaped leaves with a furry gray underside. Once the leaves appear, butterbur somewhat resembles rhubarb—one of its common names is bog rhubarb. It is also sometimes referred to as "umbrella leaves" due to the size of its foliage. Other more or less descriptive common names abound, including blatterdock, bogshorns, butter-dock, butterly dock, capdockin, flapperdock, and langwort.

Butterbur is often described as possessing an unpleasant smell, but being malodorous hasn't protected it from harvesting by humans. The plant has a long history of use as an anti-spasmodic, thought to be effective for such conditions as stomach cramps, whooping cough, and asthma.

Externally, butterbur has been applied as a poultice over wounds or skin ulcerations.

可以在亞洲的北部,歐洲,包括美洲的北部的部分地區的河邊,水溝邊和潮濕的地方能找到Butterbur。在早春從它的莖部長出紅色的花,晚些會長出非常大的心型的葉子,葉子下面有灰色的茸毛。壹旦它長出葉子Butterbur看起來有些像rhubarb--他的另壹個名字是bog rhubarb。因為它的大小,有時也被叫做"umbrella leaves" 。還有壹些能或多或少反映出他形象的名字,比如blatterdock, bogshorns, butter-dock, butterly dock, capdockin, flapperdock, and langwort.(其實妳自己到google上輸入Butterbur,搜索圖片就能找到好多關於Butterbur的照片)



What Is Butterbur Used for Today?

A special toxin-free butterbur extract has been investigated for the treatment of a variety of illnesses. Two double-blind trials suggest that this butterbur extract may be useful for preventing migraine headaches.1,16 In addition, meaningful evidence indicates that this extract is helpful for hay fever.14,17,18,23,24

There is some evidence that butterbur has anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic effects,2,3 and on this basis it has been proposed as a treatment for a variety of musculoskeletal pain conditions; however, meaningful clinical trials have not been reported.4,5,6 Butterbur has also undergone highly preliminary investigation for treatment of asthma7,8 and for protecting the stomach lining from injury, thereby helping to prevent ulcers.9,10

Preliminary evidence suggests that butterbur is not likely to be particularly effective for allergic skin diseases, such as eczema.19




Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis)

Butterbur appears to affect the immune system in ways that suggest it should be helpful for hay fever (technically, "seasonal allergic rhinitis").15,20 On this basis, it has been tested as an allergy treatment, with postive results in substantial studies.

In a 2-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 186 people with intermittent allergic rhinitis, use of butterbur at a dose of three standardized tablets daily, or one tablet daily, reduced allergy symptoms as compared to placebo.23 Significantly greater benefits were seen in the higher-dose group. Such "dose dependency" is generally taken as a confirming sign that a treatment really works.

In another double-blind study, 330 people were given either butterbur extract (one tablet three times daily), the antihistamine fexofenadine (Allegra), or placebo.25 The results showed that butterbur and fexofenadine were equally effective, and both were more effective than placebo.

A previous 2-week, double-blind study of 125 individuals with hay fever compared a standardized butterbur extract against the antihistamine drug certizine.14 According to ratings by both doctors and patients, the two treatments proved about equally effective. Unfortunately, this study did not use a placebo group.

Two much smaller studies produced inconsistent results.21,22

It's not clear how butterbur might work. Unlike standard antihistamines, it does not appear to reduce reactions on allergy skin tests.27




在另外壹項雙盲研究中,330名患者每天給服用Butterbur提取物(每天3次,壹次壹片)和antihistamine fexofenadine (Allegra), 或安慰劑,其結果顯示Butterbur和fexofenadine都同樣有效,並且同時使用效果比安慰劑更好。





The usual dosage of butterbur is 50-75 mg twice daily of a standardized extract that has been processed to remove potentially dangerous chemicals called pyrrolizidine alkaloids (see Safety Issues below).

Warning: Use of any butterbur product that contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids is definitely not recommended.


Butterbur的通常用量為:經過移除壹種叫做pyrrolizidine alkaloids的危險物質、標準的Butterbur提取物壹次50~75毫克,壹天兩次(查看下面的安全事項)

註意:服用任何含有pyrrolizidine alkaloids的Butterbur提取物的產品是絕對不推薦的。

In studies and postmarketing surveillance involving adults and children, burping and other mild gastrointestinal complaints have been the main side effect of butterbur extract.16, 26,28

Butterbur contains liver-toxic and possibly carcinogenic components called pyrrolizidine alkaloids.12 Fortunately, it is possible to remove these compounds from butterbur products.13 In Germany, the maximum allowable content of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in butterbur products has been set at 1 microgram per daily recommended dose.

Butterbur should not be used by pregnant or nursing women, young children, or people with severe kidney or liver disease, until further safety testing has been performed.


Butterbur含有肝毒和可致癌成分叫做pyrrolizidine alkaloids。幸運的是這些混合物是可以從Butterbur產品中移除的。在德國,所允許的pyrrolizidine alkaloids在butterbur產品中的最大含量是:每天的劑量中不能大於1毫克。


我在國內沒找到有賣butterbur提取物的,不過在國外的易趣(www.ebay.com)上有賣的,(在上面搜索“butterbur extract”就能找到)價錢在12$~49$之間!另外google上也能找到不少相關信息。在連接:/store/ProductsList.aspx?c=Herbs&cid=allergies中有賣多種治過敏的藥,其中也有butterbur提取物(國外的,不知道怎麽買!)。我沒買過也沒吃過butterbur提取物,其實我很想買,但沒有海外購物的經驗!誰有這方面的經驗或能從國內買到類似的產品,煩請告知!我的聯系方式,郵箱:woolf719@yahoo.com QQ:309943222




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