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The legal protection of well-known trademarks




Well-known trademark is to point to in the market for a long time in use process set up higher social reputation, and the relevant public known as trademark.


In the economic competition of the increasingly intense modern society, a well-known trademark the role of the intangible assets is more and more big, it not only for trademark all bring huge economic benefits, the more can greatly enhance the strength of a country's economy.


In the huge economic interests, tempted by criminals use many well-known trademark high profits.


Therefore, a well-known trademark than ordinary trademark need more fully, more effective and more strict protection.


In the world, many countries take the special protection of well-known trademarks written into the law to better play to the great effect of well-known trademark.


In this respect our country started late, protection of well-known trademark law system there are many needs to perfect place.


This paper from a well-known trademark, the well-known trademark that summary and famous trademark law protection and so on the discussion of plain, and puts forward some ideas and Suggestions.

馳名商標 馳名商標的認定 馳名商標保護理論 特殊法律保護

well-known trademark of the well-known trademark that well-known trademark protection special legal protection theory

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