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Flu, or influenza is a contagious disease caused by influenza virus. If you have high fever (39-40 ?C), headache, severe cough, extreme fatigue, aches and pain, you may have flu. Unlike a common cold, flu causes severe illness and life-threatening complications in many people.


When is the best time to get a flu vaccination?


Vaccination should happen before the flu season every year when the new vaccine becomes available, but it will never be too late to get vaccinated even during the flu season.


Is the flu vaccine safe?


The vaccine will not give you flu. It contains noninfectious killed virus, but merely alerts the body to the threat of the virus.

Flu vaccines are well tolerated and safe. The most frequently associated reaction is mild soreness at the injection site that can last for 24 to 48 hours.



What will flu vaccination do for me?


- Life-saving for people at risk

- Avoidance of illness and hospitalization

- Avoidance of absenteeism from work or spoiling holidays

- Reduction of the risk of transmitting flu to family members, friends or co-workers

- 減低高危人仕由流感引至的死亡率

- 避免因流感而生病入院

- 避免因流感而不能上班、上學、甚至浪費計劃好了的寶貴假期

- 減少把流感病毒傳給家人、朋友或同事的機會

Why should I get a flu shot every year?


The flu viruses are constantly changing. Generally, new influenza virus strains circulate every flu season, so each year, before flu season, the most active viruses are identified by WHO and included in a new vaccine formula in order to offer the best protection.


Who is at high risk of developing complications?


Some people are at an increased risk of developing life threatening complications if they contact flu, e.g. the elderly, adults and children who have diabetes, asthma, and chronic heart, lung and kidney disease.


Who is not suitable for vaccination?


People who are hypersensitive to active substances, to any of the excipients, to eggs, chicken proteins, neomycin, formaldehyde and octoxinol 9. Immunisation should be postponed in patients with febrile illness or acute infection.


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