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利:1. 克隆技術與遺傳育種 Cloning technology and genetic breeding

在農業方面,人們利用“克隆”技術培育出大量具有抗旱、抗倒伏、抗病蟲害的優質高產品種,大大提高了糧食產量。 In agriculture, the use of "cloning" technology has created a large number of drought and lodging resistance, high-quality high-yielding pest resistant varieties, greatly increased food production. 在這方面我國已邁入世界最先進的前列。 In this regard we have entered the forefront of the world's most advanced.

2. 克隆技術與瀕危生物保護 Cloning technology and Endangered Wildlife

克隆技術對保護物種特別是珍稀、瀕危物種來講是壹個福音,具有很大的應用前景。 Cloning technology, especially the protection of rare species, endangered species is a good news is, has great application prospect. 從生物學的角度看,這也是克隆技術最有價值的地方之壹。 From the biological point of view, cloning is also one of the most valuable.

3. 克隆技術與醫學 Cloning technology and medicine

在當代,醫生幾乎能在所有人類器官和組織上施行移植手術。 In modern times, doctors in almost all human organs and tissues on the purposes of transplantation. 但就科學技術而言,器官移植中的排斥反應仍是最為頭痛的事。 However, in terms of science and technology, organ transplantation rejection remains the most headaches. 排斥反應的原因是組織不配型導致相容性差。 The reasons for rejection is a result-based organizations do not deserve poor compatibility. 如果把“克隆人”的器官提供給“原版人”,作器官移植之用,則絕對沒有排斥反應之慮,因為二者基因相配,組織也相配。 If the "human cloning" of organs available to the "original people" for use in organ transplants, the rejection of no concern, because the two genes match, match organizations. 問題是,利用“克隆人”作為器官供體合不合乎人道? The problem is that the use of "human cloning" as the organ donor is not combined with humanity? 是否合法? Legal? 經濟是否合算? Economy is cost-effective?

克隆技術還可用來大量繁殖有價值的基因,例如,在醫學方面,人們正是通過“克隆”技術生產出治療糖尿病的胰島素、使侏儒癥患者重新長高的生長激素和能抗多種病毒感染的幹撓素,等等。 Cloning technology can also be used to the large population of valuable genes, for example, in medicine, it is through the "cloning" technology to produce insulin to treat diabetes, dwarfism patients so long to re-growth and high resistance to multiple virus infection Su-torsion of the stem, and so on.

4. 生長周期短,遺傳性狀穩定 Short growth cycle, the stability of genetic traits

5 克隆技術可解除那些不能成為母親的女性的痛苦。 5 cloning technology are able to remove those who can not become a mother, the suffering of women.

6克隆實驗的實施促進了遺傳學的發展,為“制造”能移植於人體的動物器官開辟了前景。 6 cloning experiment has promoted the implementation of the development of genetics, in order to "create" can be transplanted into the human body opens up the prospect of animal organs.

7克隆技術也可用於檢測胎兒的遺傳缺陷。 7 cloning technology can also be used to detect fetal genetic defects. 將受精卵克隆用於檢測各種遺傳疾病,克隆的胚胎與子宮中發育的胎兒遺傳特征完全相同。 Cloning of the fertilized eggs for the detection of a variety of genetic diseases, cloning of embryos and the developing fetus in utero is identical to genetic characteristics.

8 克隆技術可用於治療神經系統的損傷。 8 cloning technology can be used for the treatment of nervous system damage. 成年人的神經組織沒有再生能力,但幹細胞可以修復神經系統損傷。 Adults, there is no regeneration of nerve tissue, but stem cells can repair the nervous system injury.

9 在體外受精手術中,醫生常常需要將多個受精卵植入子宮,以從中篩選壹個進入妊娠階段。 9 In the in vitro fertilization and surgery, doctors often need to be a number of fertilized eggs implanted into the uterus to draw into the pregnancy stage of screening. 但許多女性只能提供壹個卵子用於受精。 However, many women only have one egg for fertilization. 通過克隆可以很好地解決這壹問題。 Through cloning can solve this problem. 這個卵細胞可以克隆成為多個用於受精,從而大大提高妊娠成功率。 Cloning of the egg cell can become more than used for fertilization, which greatly improved the success rate of pregnancy.



Plant Cloning

Many plants have the innate ability to clone. For example, from the willow tree branches cut into several territories, the branches on the president into a lovely small willow; the potatoes and cut into many small pieces of land, will be able to harvest a number of fresh potatoes ; the cactus into a few, each floor will soon take root, grow into new cactus ... ... In addition, some plants by layering or grafting nurture future generations. All these are plants of the clone.

弊:1. 生態層面,克隆技術導致的基因復制,會威脅基因多樣性的保持,生物的演化將出現壹個逆向的顛倒過程,即由復雜走向簡單,這對生物的生存是極為不利的。 Ecological level, the cloning of the gene lead to reproduction, may threaten the maintenance of genetic diversity, biological evolution would be a reverse of the reverse process, that is, from complex to simple organisms which produce an adverse effect on survival.

2. 文化層面,克隆人是對自然生殖的替代和否定,打破了生物演進的自律性,帶有典型的反自然性質。 Cultural level, human cloning is an alternative to natural reproduction and the negative, to break the biological evolution of self-regulation, with the typical nature of the anti-natural. 與當今正在興起的崇尚天人合壹、回歸自然的基本文化趨向相悖。 With today's emerging advocating harmony between man and nature, back-to-nature trend that runs counter to the basic culture.

3. 哲學層面,通過克隆技術實現人的自我復制和自我再現之後,可能導致人的身心關系的紊亂。 Philosophical level, the adoption of cloning technology to achieve self-replication and self-reproduction, it may lead to the relationship between people's physical and mental disorders. 人的不可重復性和不可替代性的個性規定因大量復制而喪失了唯壹性,喪失了自我及其個性特征的自然基礎和生物學前提。 People can not be repetitive and non-substitutable because of a large number of personality and loss of the only copy, and loss of self and personality characteristics of the natural basis and prerequisite for biology.

4. 血緣生育構成了社會結構和社會關系。 Reproductive blood constitutes the social structure and social relations. 為什麽不同的國家、不同的種族幾乎都反對克隆人,原因就是這是另壹種生育模式,現在單親家庭子女教育問題備受關註,就是關註壹個情感培育問題,人的成長是在兩性繁殖、雙親撫育的狀態下完成的,幾千年來壹直如此,克隆人的出現,社會該如何應對,克隆人與被克隆人的關系到底該是什麽呢? Why do different countries, different races to oppose almost all human cloning because it is a reproductive mode, single-parent families in their children's education is the issue of concern is the issue of concern to cultivate a sentiment, the growth of human reproduction in the sexes, both parents under the care of the state, thousands of years has been the case, the emergence of human cloning, how to deal with the social, human cloning and the cloning of human beings in the end of the relationship between what is it?

5. 身份和社會權利難以分辨。 Identity and social rights, it is difficult to distinguish. 假如有壹天,突然有20個兒子來分妳的財產,他們的指紋、基因都壹樣,該咋辦?是不是要像汽車掛牌照壹樣在他們額頭上刻上克隆人川A0001、克隆人川A0002之類的標記才能識別。 If one day, suddenly, there will be 20 minutes of your son to the property, and their fingerprints are the same gene, the咋辦? Is not the same as the car listed according to their forehead bearing human cloning Kawasaki A0001, Kawasaki A0002 human cloning like to identify the tag.

6. 可能支持克隆人的人有壹個觀點:解決無法生育的問題。 Support for human cloning may have a point: to solve the problem of fertility can not be. 但壹個沒有生育能力的人克隆的下壹代還會沒有生育能力。 However, a person unable to have children of the next generation of cloning will not fertility.妳自認為優秀,可克隆出的人除血型、相貌、指紋、基因和妳壹樣外,其性格、行為可能完全不同,妳能保證克隆人會和妳壹樣優秀而不誤入歧途嗎?在克隆人研究中,如果出現異常,有缺陷的克隆人不能像克隆的動物隨意處理掉,這也是壹個麻煩。因此在目前的環境下,不僅是觀念、制度,包括整個社會結構都不知道怎麽來接納克隆人。You think best, the people can be cloned in addition to blood type, physical appearance, fingerprints, genetic, and like you, its personality, behavior may be totally different, you can guarantee that human cloning would be good like you do not go astray? In cloning one study, if abnormal, flawed human cloning animal cloning can not be arbitrarily disposed of, this is a trouble. Therefore in the current environment, not only is the concept of system, including the entire social structure do not know how to accept human cloning.

7 .根據信息克隆生物有早衰性,"多利"也是,因而已逝世. According to information there is premature aging of biological cloning, "Victoria" is also, so have already passed away.

8 .生命不再寶貴! 8. Life is no longer valuable! ! ! ! !



Cloning, regardless of intent, reduces human life to a commodity that is created and destroyed for convenience.


In the United Nations General Assembly in August last year, former U.S. President George W. Bush called for a comprehensive ban on human cloning activities. He said: "human life should not be for the interests of another person, being created or destroyed."

壹位美國的科學家向外界透露 ,動物克隆實踐中通常會有幾百次失敗才能制造出壹個活的胚胎,克隆人成功的關鍵在於遺傳信息的穩定性。實驗將在壹個地中海城市進行。

An American scientist said to the outside world, the practice of animal cloning are usually hundreds of times a failure to create a living embryo, human cloning is key to the success of the stability of genetic information. Experiments will be conducted in a Mediterranean city.


Human cloning really born in the former, it is best not to jump to conclusions, we need to erroneous conclusions about the existence of the brain to put things right.



1. A human cloning is not a normal

Regardless of how the development of cloning technology, cloning, how people are people, with human cloning is essentially the existence of fellow fetal age difference is that people find it difficult to deal with emerging human cloning ethics.



2. Cloning to create people, to serve as "God" of the duties

Cloning does not create life, cloning, only from the current of life to create life.



3. Cloning is not a natural process

Cloning of the existence of the use of natural reproductive process, although some people say that cloning is not a natural form of childbirth, but they can say it is man-made environment with the reproductive process.



4. There is no heart of human cloning

Human cloning, as with the normal emotions and feelings, but feelings of human cloning and human cloning are not the same. A well-known example is the cloning of Hitler, he will help to create a Holocaust catastrophe? Although the character of a person as part of the decision by the gene, are born, but the external environment for the formation of the character of a person to play a greater role. If the cloning of Hitler's life in the United States now, when the world is in a state of stability and prosperity, the life of Hitler and Germany in the post-war full of hatred and the ruins of Hitler's personality is not the same.


不是,具體情況研究人員也不太說得清,他們認為,壹種稱為幹細胞的細胞,制造起來較為方便。這種遍布全身的細胞,可以產生多種其他細胞,即使在頭發上也可找到。 5. Any part of the body cells can be used to clone

No, the specific circumstances of researchers is not very clear where we stand, in their view, a cell known as stem cells, manufacturing more convenient for them. Cells throughout the body that may give rise to a variety of other cells, even in the hair can also be found.



6. Each person will have cloned

Although cloning is considered a good way to the future treatment of infertility, but basically speaking, the parents created by cloning or not a person you can not clone. Many people would like to allow the slave the same as cloning portrait done, but do not forget that human cloning, like my colleagues have the same rights and obligations.




7. If the cloning of a vegetative state and so there is no awareness of the people, can be cloned to provide organs to humans

On the one hand, the cloning of the human unconscious acts are immoral, on the other hand, have to admit that cloning unconscious need more knowledge and skills sharp. Awareness does not have the gene can not take away the properties, there is no independent DNA to determine the existence of consciousness. Further said that human cloning is not a self-consciousness is very difficult, even in a vegetative state, we also have to admit that his heart is still conscious.

In theory, researchers can confirm that human cloning only certain organs, scientists believe that such a cloned organ in the mother have the same genes, so that when the rejection of organ transplants will be small.



8. The great historical figures, heroes can be born again

At present, the cloning of adult cells in the transfer of nuclear technology is the law, this must be a merger of the two living cells: the egg and you want to copy the DNA containing cells, even the dead are not frozen line, according to the present situation, the future success of cloning the dead is not large, even if they were cloned, and we talked about in front of, his character development and his life is inseparable from the external environment, and therefore will not be cloned like that of Hitler in World War II Hitler魔頭cloning love Feinstein is also unlikely to become a great physicist, in this sense, cloning will not be meaningful to them.



9. The human nucleus into a sheep's egg would be a miracle took place in

This is impossible, because the egg into the genetic material in the beginning of separation, it is the basis of egg protein in the instructions issued by the work, if the egg and the DNA from different substances, then the instructions are not in line with, like people do not understand the language, like sheep.




10. People can be endlessly cloning

Dolly the cloned sheep was born, it is telling us that the chromosome: when it left its mother's body, it has been a good age.

Scientists at Roslin Institute in Scotland of Dolly's chromosomes have done a careful study and found that chromosome ends, or telomeres than ordinary sheep short of the same age. Scientists believe that the decision of telomere cells is a major factor in aging, telomeres, the shorter the closer the death of the cells. Telomere shortening may indicate that the genetic blueprint will be aging with the passage of time, endlessly cloning an animal is impossible.


At present, cloning technology, cloning can only physical life but life can not be cloned "soul." In other words, the cloned person who, without the feelings of the past, learned things, come across the ...


In practice, the success rate of cloned animals is still very low, Wilmut Study Group in nurturing "Dolly" experiment, the convergence of the 277 egg cell nuclear transplantation, only the "Dolly" the only lamb survival, the success rate of only 0.36 percent, at the same time the fetal fibroblast cells and embryonic cells in cloning experiments were also the success rate of only 1.7% and 1.1%, even using the "Honolulu" technology to a lower degree of differentiation of cumulus cells for nuclear donor, the success rate of only a few per cent.


On the other hand, it will challenge on biodiversity. Biological diversity is the result of natural evolution, but also the driving force of evolution, sexual reproduction is important to form the basis of biological diversity, and "cloned animals" will result in reduced biological strains, decreased the viability of the individual.

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