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雞寶是壹種名貴緊缺中藥材,其形成時間較長,而雞的飼養期又很短,所以很少能在雞體內發現,但也有偶爾可見的。“雞寶”是雞的膽囊結石,完整者多呈卵形,質輕,外貌金黃至黃褐色,細膩而有光澤,“雞寶”也是母雞在產卵期間,卵巢部位發炎,輸卵管堵塞,由多個卵黃聚集在壹起形成的。 雞黃是指雞的膽囊結石,別名雞寶,是家雞幹燥的膽結石。


Chicken treasure is a rare and scarce traditional Chinese medicine, its formation of a long time, and chicken feeding period is very short, so it can rarely be found in the chicken body, but there are occasionally visible. "Jibao" is the gallbladder stone of chicken, the complete person is more oval shape, light weight, appearance golden yellow to yellow-brown, fine and shiny, "jibao" is also a hen in the period of laying eggs, ovarian inflammation, tubal blockage, formed by a number of egg yolk together. Chicken yellow is the gallbladder stone that points to a chicken, alias chicken treasure, it is the gallstone of domestic chicken dry.

Chicken yellow complete person assumes egg form more, qualitative light, surface golden yellow arrives tawny, exquisite and burnish. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that chicken yellow gas fragrance, taste slightly bitter and sweet, cool sex. Because natural chicken yellow is very precious.





The "treasure" in animal intestines and stomach, what everybody is more familiar with is bull-bezoar, dog treasure and horse treasure commonly, these 3 kinds also are known as traditional Chinese medicine 3 treasure. Cow-yellow is the gallbladder stone of cattle or buffaloes; The dog treasure is the canine family animal stomach stone; Ma bao, is the sick horse gastrointestinal tract stone; Chicken treasure, also be chicken gallbladder stone

1. Bezoar is a gallstone in the liver of bovine family bovine, mammalia, phylum chordata. Those who produce in gallbladder call "bravery yellow" or "yolk", those who produce in bile duct call "canal yellow", those who produce in liver canal call "liver yellow". Traditional Chinese medicine that niuhuang gas fragrance, taste slightly bitter and sweet, cool sex. Can be used for antipyretic, detoxification, stabilization. Internal administration of high fever coma, mania, children's convulsion, convulsion and other symptoms, external use of throat swelling and pain, carbuncle of oral sores, uremia.

2. Ma bao was first published in compendium of materia medica: commonly known as horse fecal stone, ma bao is not commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, and is the gastrointestinal stone of horse of equine family. All the year round can be collected, will be the sick horse slaughter after touching the gastrointestinal stones, remove with clean water, dry. Ma bao is spherical, ovoid or oblate, different sizes, 6-20cm in diameter, weight 250-2500 grams, but also small as beans. The surface is gray, teal, or oily brown, smooth, slightly shiny, or with a tangled pattern of fine grass. Solid body weight, obvious concentric lamination can be seen in section, and there are often metal or other granular foreign bodies in the central part, with no odor or slight smell.

3, jibao integrity is more oval, light weight, golden to tan surface, fine and shiny. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that chicken yellow gas fragrance, taste slightly bitter and sweet, cool sex. Can be used for impotence, premature ejaculation, menstrual disorders and other diseases.


Chicken treasure preservation method: 'chicken treasure' in a ventilated place to let it dry naturally, not insolation. Need to pass dry in the shade, assure moisture to come out completely, just suit long-term deposit.


Chicken treasure "business becomes day price, it may be said that price is higher than gold. It is the medicinal value that depends on it, it is reported that there is content inside chicken treasure to say, if it is to contain iron content to reach 5%, that is medium grade chicken treasure. The higher the iron content, the higher the medicinal value. It can also be described as "the 'treasure' in the belly of animals, namely 'horse treasure', 'donkey treasure', 'cow yellow' and 'dog treasure', which are recorded in medical books as traditional Chinese medicine. They are extremely rare traditional Chinese medicine and have extremely high medicinal and research value.





Collection and processing:

One is to wait for chickens with chicken treasures to die naturally or kill them for treasures.

The second is general anesthesia for chickens. After the chicken treasure is removed, the knife edge is sutured, and the chicken can still survive, and then continue to raise chicken treasure. The gallbladder, liver and stomach should be examined carefully, and the gallbladder, hepatic duct and stomach should be found to be valuable. The fat and stomach should be removed slowly.

Sundries should be placed in a cool place and dried naturally. Do not expose to sunshine or roast on fire, so as to avoid drying and cracking affecting the quality. The dried chicken treasures can also be stored in sealed bottles or wrapped in fresh-keeping film and placed in refrigeratory fresh-keeping layer.



現貴州嘉宣有幸征集到壹雞寶 約50g左右 原本藏主蔡老師的家裏人是打算把雞賣了的,朋友卻說幫忙殺下雞,在清理雞內臟的時候,掏出了壹顆沒見過的東西,黃黃的,硬硬的,有壹層薄膜,薄膜上還有些許血絲。經朋友確認,這些東西不是雞蛋,連續問了好幾個專業的老師,蔡老師最終肯定這是雞寶,蔡老師說從來沒有遇到這麽壹個東西,既然遇到了就會好好把握,委托於我們貴州嘉宣出手!

Now Guizhou Jiaxuan has the honor to collect about 50g chicken treasure from the family of the original Tibetan owner, Teacher Cai, who is planning to sell the chicken. My friend said he helped kill the chicken. When cleaning the chicken's internal organs, he took out something he had never seen. It was yellow, hard, with a thin film and some blood silk on it. After friends confirmed that these things are not eggs, asked several professional teachers continuously, Teacher Cai finally affirmed that this is a chicken treasure, Teacher Cai said that never encountered such a thing, since it will be well grasped, entrusted to our Guizhou Jiaxuan hands!


In recent ten years, according to the domestic mainstream news media Tencent, Sina, headlines and other competing reports of cattle bezoar, horse treasure, chicken cinnabar, dog treasure, donkey treasure, chicken yellow and other animal stones have bitter and sweet taste. It has the functions of clearing away heat, detoxifying and astonishing. Oral administration was used to treat fever, dizziness, children's convulsions and convulsions. External treatment of sore throat, aphtha, carbuncle and venom and other symptoms. Its medicinal effect was included in Shennong Herbal Medicine Classic of the Eastern Han Dynasty and Li Shizhen's Compendium of Herbal Medicine, and it has risen all the way in the domestic and foreign precious medicinal materials market, becoming the investment object of investors and collectors.

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