當前位置:偏方大全网 - 藥品說明 - 壹段英文求解釋 請各位好漢來回答啊

壹段英文求解釋 請各位好漢來回答啊

1.Take one-two capsules twice daily before meals or as directed by your healthcare professional 壹日兩次,壹次壹到兩片,飯前吃或者在醫生的指導下食用.Not recommended for children under 2 years 2歲以下兒童不能吃For improved results drink plenty of water and increase fiber in the diet為了達到更好的效果,建議在食用期間要多喝水並多吃含纖維的食物.If digestive symptoms persist,consult with your healthcare professional 如果食用期間出現消化方面的問題,請向醫生咨詢.Store below 30攝氏度 ,away from direct sunlight and in a cool diy place . 放置在30攝氏度以下,幹燥處保存,避免陽光直射.2.Directions :adults-take 1-3 capsules per day one with each meal or as directed by your physician . 說明:成人在吃飯的時候吃1-3片,或遵醫囑(這怎麽感覺和第壹個說明有點沖突啊) Indications:as a rich source of OMEGA 3 Fatty Acids.(後面的好像是壹個專業詞匯,我業不知道)keep out of reach of children protect from Moisture store in a cool and day place store below 30放在兒童不易拿到的地方,30度下幹燥儲存

  • 上一篇:學習食品質量與安全可以考事業單位或者公務員的什麽崗位?急迫的
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