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誰知道“The Man to Send Rain Clouds” by Leslie Marmon Silko 寫的是什麽? 有中文意思就更好了 謝謝呀

by Leslie Marmon Silko 由Leslie美聯Silko

They found him under a big cottonwood tree. 他們發現樹上下大頓。 His Levi jacket and pants were faded light-blue so that he had been easy to find. 他的上衣和褲子列維褪淡藍色的,所以他不得不容易找到。 The big cottonwood tree stood apart from a small grove of winterbare cottonwoods which grew in the wide, sandy, arroyo. 站在樹大頓除了壹小角葉樹叢winterbare其中阿羅約從小在寬,桑迪。 He had been dead for a day or more, and the sheep had wandered and scattered up and down the arroyo. 他已經死了壹天以上,羊已徘徊和分散向上和向下的阿羅約。 Leon and his brother-in-law, Ken, gathered the sheep and left them in the pen at the sheep camp before they returned to the cottonwood tree. Leon和他的兄弟媳婦,肯,聚集了羊和羊留在營地他們在筆前,他們回到了卡頓樹。 Leon 萊昂 waited under the tree while Ken drove the truck through the deep sand to the edge of the arroyo.在樹下等待,而肯駛過深沙向阿羅約邊緣的卡車。 He squinted up at the sun and unzipped his jacket.他瞇起了太陽和他的外套解開。 It sure was hot for this time of year.這肯定是為每年的這個時候熱。 But high and northwest the blue mountains were still deep in snow.但高和西北的藍山仍積雪深研究。 Ken came sliding down the low, crumbling bank about fifty yards down, and he was bringing the red blanket.肯滑下來的低,大約五十碼搖搖欲墜的銀行下來,他把紅色的毯子。

Before they wrapped the old man,還沒等他們包裹的老人, Leon萊昂 took a piece of string out of his pocket and tied a small gray feather in the old man's long white hair.拍了他從口袋裏掏出壹串壹塊,綁在壹個小老頭的長長的白頭發灰色的羽毛。 Ken gave him the paint.肯給他的油漆。 Across the brown wrinkled forehead he drew a streak of white and along the high cheekbones he drew a strip of blue paint.布朗在整個額頭皺紋,他畫了白色,沿著他畫了壹張藍色的油漆帶高顴骨壹連勝。 He paused and watched Ken throw pinches of corn meal and pollen into the wind that fluttered the small gray feather.他停頓了壹下,看著肯投入的風,飄揚的小灰羽毛粉,玉米花粉捏。 Then接著 Leon萊昂 painted with yellow under the old man's broad nose, and finally, when he had painted green across the chin, he smiled.根據黃老伯的廣泛鼻子,最後,當他下巴上的綠色油漆彩繪,他笑了。

"Send us rain clouds, Grandfather." “給我們雨雲,爺爺。” They laid the bundle in the back of the pickup and covered it with with a heavy tarp before they started back to the pueblo.他們奠定了皮卡束在後面,涉及重型篷布它與用 ,然後才開始回普韋布洛。

They turned off the highway onto the sandy pueblo road. 他們關閉了公路上普韋布洛沙。 Not long after they passed the store and post office they saw Father Paul's car coming toward them. 不久後,他們通過了商店,郵局,他們看到父親保羅的車他們走來。 When he recognized their faces he slowed his car and waved for them to stop. 當他認識到他們的臉上,他放慢了車,揮手讓他們停下來。 The young priest rolled down the car window. 這位年輕的牧師搖下車窗。

"Did you find old Teofilo ?" “有沒有找到老特奧菲洛 ?” he asked loudly. 他大聲問。

Leon 萊昂 stopped the truck. 停下車。 "Good morning, Father. We were just out to the sheep camp. Everything is OK now." “早上好,爸爸。我們只是出到羊營地。壹切正常了。”

"Thank God for that. Teofilo is a very old man. You really shouldn't allow him to stay at the sheep camp alone." “感謝上帝了。 特奧菲洛是壹個很老的人。妳真的不應該讓他留在營地羊孤單。”

"No, he won't do that any more now." “不,他不會做任何更多了。”

"Well, I'm glad you understand. I hope I'll be seeing you at Mass this week. We missed you last Sunday. See if you can get old Teofilo to come with you." “嗯,我很高興妳明白。我希望我會看到妳在本周大眾。我們想念妳最後壹個星期日。看妳能不能讓老特奧菲洛和妳壹起去。” The priest smiled and waved at them as they drove away. 神父微笑著和他們揮手,他們開車走了。

Louise and Teresa were waiting. 路易斯和修女在等著。 The table was set for lunch, and the coffee was boiling on the black iron stove. 該表是為午餐,咖啡是在黑市上沸騰爐鐵。 Leon 萊昂 looked at Louise and then at Teresa.看著路易斯和修女然後。

"We found him under a cottonwood tree in the big arroyo near sheep camp. I guess he sat down to rest in the shade and never got up again." “我們發現他下頓樹在不久的希普坎普大阿羅約。我猜他坐下來休息,在樹蔭下,永不再起來。” Leon萊昂 walked toward the old man's bed.走到老人的床上。

The red plaid shawl had been shaken and spread carefully over the bed, and a new brown flannel shirt and pair of stiff new紅色格子圍巾已經被仔細地動搖和蔓延在床,壹個新的法蘭絨襯衫和棕色的新對僵硬 Levis萊維斯 were arranged neatly beside the pillow.被整齊地排列在枕頭旁邊。 Louise held the screen door open while Leon and Ken carried in the red blanket.路易斯舉行的開放,而萊昂紗門和肯在紅色毛毯通過。 He looked small and shriveled, and after they dressed him in the new shirt and pants he seemed more shrunken.他看著小和萎縮,並在他們穿著新襯衫和褲子,他似乎更縮小了。

It was noontime now because the church bells rang the Angelus.這是中午了,因為教堂的鐘聲敲響了鐘。 They ate the beans with hot bread, and nobody said anything until after Teresa poured the coffee.他們吃豆熱面包,沒有人說什麽,直到修女後倒入咖啡。

Ken stood up and put on his jacket. 肯站起來,穿上外套。

"I'll see about the gravediggers. Only the top layer of soil is frozen. I think it can be ready before dark." “我看到有關掘墓人。只有表層土壤被凍結。我認為它是黑暗前準備好。”

Leon 萊昂 nodded his head and finished his coffee. 點了點頭,完成了他的咖啡。 After Ken had been gone for a while, the neighbors and clans people came quietly to embrace Teofilo's family and to leave food on the table because the gravediggers would come to eat when they were finished. 而肯後已離開了,鄰居和氏族人來靜靜地擁抱特奧菲洛的家庭和離開桌子上的食物,因為掘墓人會來吃飯的時候,他們就完了。

The sky in the west was full of pale-yellow light. 西部天空中充滿了光淺黃色。 Louise stood outside with her hands in the pockets of 路易斯站在外面雙手在口袋 Leon 萊昂 's green army jacket that was too big for her. 的綠軍夾克為她過大。 The funeral was over, and the old men had taken their candles and medicine bags and were gone. 葬禮結束了,老人們已經決定了他們的蠟燭和藥品袋都不見了。 She waited until the body was laid into the pickup before she said anything to 她就壹直等到身體被皮卡安置在她面前說什麽 Leon 萊昂 . 。 She touched his arm, and he noticed that her hands were still dusty from the corn meal that she had sprinkled around the old man. 她摸著他的胳膊,他註意到她的雙手依然塵土飛揚的人從她的老玉米粉灑了周圍。

When she spoke, 當她說話時, Leon 萊昂 could not hear her.聽不見她。

"What did you say? I didn't hear you." “妳說什麽?我沒聽到妳。”

"I said that I had been thinking about something." “我說,我壹直在想某些事。”

" About what?" “ 說什麽?”

" About the priest sprinkling holy water for Grandpa. So he won't be thirsty." “關於神父灑聖水爺爺。因此他將不會渴了。”

Leon萊昂 stared at the new moccasins that Teofilo had made for the ceremonial dances in the summer.盯著夏天,在新的鹿皮鞋特奧菲洛儀式舞蹈已做了。 They were nearly hidden by the red blanket.他們幾乎隱藏在紅色的毯子。 It was getting colder, and the wind pushed gray dust down the narrow pueblo road.這是越來越冷,風推沿著狹窄普韋布洛路灰色的塵埃。 The sun was approaching the long mesa where it disappeared during the winter.接近太陽的地方長梅薩在冬季消失。 Louise stood there shivering and watching his face.路易絲站在那裏發抖,看著他的臉。 Then he zipped up his jacket and opened the truck door.然後,他壓縮了他的夾克和卡車的門打開了。 "I'll see if he's there." “我去看看他的存在。”

Ken stopped the pickup at the church, and肯停在教堂的皮卡,並 Leon萊昂 got out; and then Ken drove down the hill to the graveyard where people were waiting.下了車,然後驅車下山肯到墓地,人們在等著。 Leon萊昂 knocked at the old carved door with its symbols of the Lamb.敲了舊刻有其象征的羔羊門。 While he waited he looked up at the twin bells from the king of雖然他在等待他看著雙鐘就從國王 Spain西班牙 with the last sunlight pouring around them in their tower.與去年陽光傾瀉在他們周圍的塔。

The priest opened the door and smiled when he saw who it was.神父打開門,微笑著,當他看到是誰。 "Come in! What brings you here this evening?" “進來吧!什麽風把妳今天晚上在這裏?”

The priest walked toward the kitchen, and神父走到廚房, Leon萊昂 stood with his cap in his hand, playing with the earflaps and examining the living room, the brown sofa, the green armchair, and the brass lamp that hung down from the ceiling by links of chain.站在那裏,手裏拿著帽子,玩的耳罩和檢查客廳,棕色的沙發,綠色的扶手椅,以及銅燈是吊在天花板由鏈環節下來。 The priest dragged a chair out of the kitchen and offered it to神父拖了廚房椅子,並提供給 Leon萊昂 . 。

"No thank you, Father. I only came to ask you if you would bring your holy water to the graveyard." “不,謝謝,爸爸。我只是來問妳,如果妳把妳的聖水到墓地。”

The priest turned away from神父轉身離開 Leon萊昂 and looked out the window at the patio full of shadows and the dining-room windows of the nuns' cloister across the patio. ,望著在天井的陰影和修女穿過天井回廊的餐廳窗戶全部窗口。 The curtains were heavy, and the light from within faintly penetrated; it was impossible to see the nuns inside eating supper.沈重的窗簾,和淡淡的光從內部滲透,這是不可能看到裏面吃晚飯的修女。

"Why didn't you tell me he was dead? I could have brought the Last Rites anyway." “為什麽不告訴我,他死了嗎?我能帶來的最後儀式知道的。”

Leon萊昂 smiled.笑了。 "It wasn't necessary, Father." “這是沒有必要,爸爸。”

The priest stared down at his scuffed brown loafers and the worn hem of his cassock.神父低頭看著他的磨損棕色便鞋和他穿袈裟下擺。 "For a Christian burial it was necessary." “對於壹個基督教墓地是必要的。”

His voice was distant, and他的聲音很遙遠, Leon萊昂 thought that his blue eyes looked tired.認為他的藍眼睛看起來很疲憊。

"It's OK Father, we just want him to have plenty of water." “這是好父親,我們只是希望他有大量的水。”

The priest sank down into the green chair and picked up a glossy missionary magazine.神父壹屁股坐在椅子上,把綠色的光澤傳教士拿起雜誌。 He turned the colored pages full of lepers and pagans without looking at them.他把彩頁的麻風病人和異教徒充分,而不要去看看。

"You know I can't do that, “妳知道我不能這樣做, Leon萊昂 . 。 There should have been the Last Rites and a funeral Mass at the very least."應該有最起碼的最後儀式和葬禮彌撒。“

Leon萊昂 put on his green cap and pulled the flaps down over his ears.穿上綠帽並搶下了他的耳朵的皮瓣。 "It's getting late, Father. I've got to go." “這已經晚了,爸爸。我得走了。”

When當 Leon萊昂 opened the door Father Paul stood up and said, "Wait."打開門的父親保羅站起來,說:“等壹下。” He left the room and came back wearing a long brown overcoat.他離開房間,回來時身穿褐色的長大衣。 He followed他跟著 Leon萊昂 out the door and across the dim churchyard to the adobe steps in front of the church.出了門,並在昏暗的教堂,在教堂前的土坯步驟。 They both stooped to fit through the low adobe entrance.他們都彎腰適合通過低土坯入口。 And when they started down the hill to the graveyard only half of the sun was visible above the mesa.而當他們開始下山到墓地只有太陽的壹半以上梅薩可見。

The priest approached the grave slowly, wondering how they had managed to dig into the frozen ground; and then he remembered that this was神父緩緩走近墳墓,不知道他們如何設法把凍土挖,接著他想起這是 New Mexico新墨西哥 , and saw the pile of cold loose sand beside the hole. ,看到冷松砂孔樁旁。 The people stood close to each other with little clouds of steam puffing from their faces.百姓站在彼此接近與蒸汽膨化小雲彩從他們的臉上。 The priest looked at them and saw a pile of jackets, gloves, and scarves in the yellow, dry tumbleweeds that grew in the graveyard.神父看著他們,看到了外套,手套樁,並在黃河,墓地,在幹燥的風滾草圍巾增長。 He looked at the red blanket, not sure that Teofilo was so small, wondering if it wasn't some perverse Indian trick or something they did in March to ensure a good harvest, wondering if maybe old Teofilo was actually at sheep camp corralling the sheep for the night.

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