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More than three ways

With the customer market continuously differentiation and can use the new marketing channels appeared more and more production enterprises to adopt multi-channel marketing system. When the production enterprise established channels for marketing system, various channels to serve the same target market generated when the conflict is multi-channel conflict, sometimes also called overlapping conflict. For example, a drug manufacturing enterprise and use the Internet distribution platform, sales team and three channels of drugs middlemen, Internet marketing platform, sales team, the conflict between the three channels middlemen channels is conflict. This conflict is mainly manifested in the sales network disorder, price difference, etc. In the Internet age, multi-channel conflict has a new form of e-commerce and conflict between the traditional channel. When the multi-channel conflict occurs, the production enterprises should attach great importance to guide the channel member compete effectively between various channels, balance and coordination of influence. At present, the pharmaceutical marketing channel conflict is the major form of vertical and horizontal channel conflict channel conflict, especially with the level of channel conflict for most of the day and the most frequent conflicts. It should be pointed out that, not only channel conflict in the development of an enterprise system, causes adverse effect on certain conditions, some of the channel conflict would be better to enterprise distribution targets.

Pharmaceutical enterprise marketing for six methods to break

Pharmaceutical industry is divided according to international standards and international industry, belong to one of the world's fastest growing trade. But the current situation of domestic 4000 pharmaceutical producing enterprises, nearly two-thirds of facing crisis!

Its survival crisis comes first, three, the insufficient r&d input 5% of sales in the western developed countries (15-25), and most of the "into" the short term rapid generics. Secondly, the circulation of commercial bribery, pharmaceutical industry in the normal process of losing discourse drug trade, which seriously restrict the normal operation of the industry. In addition, joint venture enterprise transformationmanagement pattern began holding or owned, and firmly occupied our key regional market and high-end products market, most of the pharmaceutical market profits by foreign capital.

Now on the pharmaceutical sales field of commercial bribery, implementing reform policies andusa mechanism under the environment at home and abroad, the pharmaceutical industry development and sale mode enormous changes.

The OTC market, march

Recently, the over-the-counter market hyperactive, whether it is the inevitable, or regulations medication that policy orientation, OTC is absolutely block let medicine enterprises big-eyed fat.

The global pharmaceutical big alligator is very sensitive, domestic market olfaction seductive OTC dinner already into the plan, they hunt of OTC strategy in China again. The early entry into China, Shanghai xian janssen square, etc, are already worm squibb kang, nasdaq ShiErKang, such an OTC drug in domestic FuRuJieZhi is already. Roche will China into global 10 big core OTC one country, Pfizer, bayer, dr ma as Germany into OTC according to the blue brother zhiyang master to data shows, xian has dominated the OTC janssen 64%, and business in the next 5-6 years, the firm will completely change even pure OTC enterprise. Thus, the numerous medicine enterprises into is the trend of The Times OTC.

In recent years, the market situation in face of the terminal medicine prescription to promote enterprise feel more and more difficult, marketing channel is narrow, marketing way. First prescription shall, in the popular media advertising, then is the drug concentration in all bidding, encounter health-care directory "threshold, followed by another greater scope and the amplitude of the drug prices to cure directory operation policy, pharmacy sales by prescription drugs must purchase. Insurance breed more years in hospital, pharmaceutical sales competition has intensified. This has been a main apis, prescription pharmaceuticals, the operation of the original, now start without involving the OTC market into OTC medicine. In the 21st JinWei's pharmaceutical based on him, he introduced his qualifying dimension and dimension of multidimensional element fields as children, women's market.

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