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benadryl allergy是什麽藥?

海拉明?( 海拉明鹽酸鹽)是壹種抗組織胺藥物都在櫃臺和處方即可獲得的。 It comes in many different forms and is used for a variety of different purposes.它有許多不同的形式,並有各種不同的用途使用。

Who Makes This Medication?誰使這種藥物?

Brand-name Benadryl is made by McNeil Consumer Healthcare, while other versions of diphenhydramine (including other brand-name medications or generic medications) are made by various other manufacturers.名牌海拉明是由麥克尼爾消費者保健產品,而苯海拉明(包括其他品牌藥品或仿制藥)其他版本的各種其他廠家制造的。

How Does Benadryl Work?苯海拉明是怎樣工作的?

Benadryl is part of a class of drugs called antihistamines.海拉明是壹種稱為抗組胺類藥物的壹部分。 Specifically, it is an H1 receptor antagonist.具體來說,它是壹種H1受體拮抗劑。 This means that it blocks a specific type of histamine receptor in the body (known as H1 receptors).這意味著,它阻止了組胺受體在體內特定類型(如H1受體已知)。 Since allergic reactions are partly caused by the release of histamine from certain cells in the body, this drug can help relieve or prevent allergy symptoms .由於過敏反應部分是由組胺在體內某些細胞釋放造成的,這種藥物可以幫助減輕或防止過敏癥狀 。

Benadryl also blocks acetylcholine receptors, an action which produces some of the bothersome side effects of the medication (such as dry mouth or difficulty urinating) but also makes the drug useful for other purposes (such as for Parkinson's disease or for relieving a runny nose due to the common cold ).海拉明還阻止乙酰膽堿受體,這壹行動產生對藥物(如口幹或排尿困難壹些麻煩的副作用),而且還使藥物用於其他目的(如帕金森氏癥或減輕流鼻涕,由於有用對普通感冒 )。

Like many antihistamines, Benadryl also works as a sedative.像許多抗組胺藥,海拉明也適用作為鎮靜劑。 This action has made the medication useful as a sleep aid but also limits the usefulness of the medication for other uses (since drowsiness can be a bothersome side effect).這壹行動已使藥物作為安眠藥有用的,但也限制了其他用途的藥物的作用(因為嗜睡可能是壹個麻煩的副作用)。

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