當前位置:偏方大全网 - 藥品查詢 - 英讀廊——我們總是在殺菌,那麽細菌被殺死後去了哪裏?


If bacteria die from (for example, boiled water) where do their corpses go?


短語for example 例如;例句:You can buy fruit here - oranges and bananas, for example. 妳可以在這裏買水果,例如買柑橘和香蕉。

單詞bacteria 是bacterium的復數形式,[b?k?t?ri?] n. 細菌

單詞die [dahy][da?] v. 死;枯竭;消失

單詞boiled 原型:boil [boil][b?l] v. 沸騰;煮沸

單詞corpses 原型:corpse [kawrps][k?ps] n. 屍體

I work with medical devices, and this is a crucial issue.


單詞medical ['med-i-kuhl]['med?kl] adj. 醫療的;醫學的;醫藥的

單詞devices 原型:device [dih-'vahys][d?'va?s] n. 裝置;設備

單詞crucial ['kroo-shuhl]['kru?l] adj. 決定性的;關鍵的

So lets say we have a scalpel, right?


單詞scalpel ['skal-puhl]['sk?lp?l] n. 手術刀;解剖刀

Simplest medical device there is.


There's a number of ways to make it totally(ish) sterile - gases, steam, dry heat, gamma radiation.


短語a number of ... 壹些;許多;若幹;例句:A number of satellites are now circling the earth. 壹些人造衛星現在正環繞地球飛行。

單詞totally ['toht-l-ee]['t?t?li] adv. 完全

單詞ish [ish][?] suf. 表示“ ... 似的”; “有 ... 特征的”

單詞gases 原型:gas [gas][ɡ?s] n. 煤氣;氣體;汽油

單詞steam [steem][sti?m] n. 蒸汽;水汽

單詞dry [drahy][dra?] adj. 幹的;幹燥的

單詞heat [heet][hi?t] n. 熱度;熱

單詞gamma ['gam-uh]['ɡ?m?] n. 伽瑪(希臘字母)

單詞radiation [rey-dee-'ey-shuhn][?re?di'e?n] n. 輻射;放射線

But as you ask- the little bacterial corpses are still there.


單詞bacterial [bak-'teer-ee-uh][b?k't?ri?l] adj. 細菌的

The problem occurs when you stab someone with the scalpel, preferably in a medicinal way.


單詞occurs 原型:occur [uh-'kur][?'k?] vi. 發生;存在;出現;想到

單詞stab [stab][st?b] v. 刺;戳;刺傷

單詞preferably ['prefr?bli] adv. 更好地;寧可;寧願

單詞medicinal [muh-'dis-uh-nl][m?'d?s?nl] adj. 藥物的;有藥味的;治療的;醫學的

The bodies immune system works by identifying certain chemical triggers in bacteria, and has no way to know that, for example, the lipopolysaccharide hanging around in someone's heart is not part of a bunch of living bacteria, but the floating corpses of dead bacteria.


短語part of ... (某事物的)壹部分;例句:He received part of his education in England. 他有壹部分教育是在英國接受的。

單詞immune [ih-'myoon][?'mju?n] adj. 免疫的;免除的

單詞identifying 原型:identify [ahy-'den-tuh-fahy][a?'dent?fa?] vt. 鑒定;識別,辨認出,認出;認明

單詞chemical ['kem-i-kuh?l]['kem?kl] adj. 化學的

單詞triggers 原型:trigger ['trig-er]['tr?ɡ?] n. 起因,誘因

單詞lipopolysaccharide ['lahyp-oh-pol-ee-'sak-uh-rahyd]['l?p?p?l?'s?k?ra?d] n. [生]脂多糖

單詞hanging 原型:hang [hang][h?] v. 懸掛;懸浮(在空中);逗留

單詞bunch [buhnch][b?nt?] n. 串;束;壹群

單詞floating 原型:float [floht][fl?t] v. 漂浮;浮現;飄動

The dead byproducts of bacteria are called "pyrogens" because they cause (among other things, such as death) fevers.


短語such as 比如,例如;例句:I know many of them, such as John, Peter, and Tom. 我認識他們當中的很多人,例如約翰、彼得和湯姆。

單詞byproducts 原型:byproduct ['bahy-prod-uhkt]['ba?pr?d?kt] n. 副產品

單詞pyrogen ['pahy-ruh-juhn]['pa?r?d?n] n. 熱原; 熱原質; 致熱原; 致熱源; 熱源;

單詞fevers 原型:fever ['fee-ver]['fi?v?] n. 狂熱;發燒;發熱

Where do they go?




單詞Nowhere 原型:nowhere 副詞 ['noh-hwair, -wair]['n?we?] adv. 任何地方都不 n. 不知道的地方;無處

Bacteria are small enough that water has completely different properties on their level.


單詞completely [kuhm-'pleet][k?m'pli?tli] adv. 完全地;十分地;全然

Beyond rinsing off gross matter and reducing bacterial load, washing can't do much.


單詞rinsing 原型:rinse [rins][r?ns] v. 清洗;沖洗 n. 清洗;染發;柔順劑

單詞gross [grohs][ɡr?s] adj. 總的

單詞reducing 原型:reduce [ri-'doos, -'dyoos][r?'dju?s] v. 減少;縮小

單詞load [lohd][l?d] n. 負荷;裝載量

單詞washing 原型:wash [wosh, wawsh][w?] v. 洗;洗滌;洗清

So for things like heart surgery scalpels, there will usually be a second step of "Depyrogenation".


單詞surgery ['sur-juh-ree]['s?d?ri] n. 外科手術;外科

單詞step [step][step] n. 步驟

單詞depyrogenation [depa?r?d?'ne?n] 去除熱原法

This is the process, not of killing bacteria, but of removing the bits left behind so they don't trigger an immune reaction.


單詞removing 原型:remove [ri-'moov][r?'mu?v] v. 消除;脫掉

單詞trigger ['trig-er]['tr?ɡ?] v. 使發生;觸發;使運行

單詞reaction [ree-'ak-shuh?n][ri'?k?n] n. 反應;生理反應;反應能力

This varies widely in complexity depending on what you have to depyrogenate- steel scalpels are easier than an injectable drug, for example.

譯這在復雜性上有很大的不同,取決於妳必須去熱原 - 例如,對鋼手術刀比對可註射的藥物更容易些。

語法easier than 形容詞或副詞比較級 + than,是“比...更...”的意思;例句:He is younger than me. 他比我(更)年輕。He runs faster than me. 他比我跑得(更)快。

單詞varies 原型:vary ['vair-ee]['ve?ri] v. 改變;變化;使多樣化

單詞widely ['wahyd-lee]['wa?dli] adv. 廣泛地;大大地

單詞complexity [kuhm-'plek-si-tee][k?m'pleks?ti] n. 復雜;復雜性;復雜的事物

單詞depending 原型:depend [dih-'pend][d?'pend] vi. 依賴;依靠;取決於

單詞steel [steel][sti?l] n. 鋼鐵;鋼制品

單詞injectable [in-'jek-tuh-buhl][?n'd?ekt?bl] adj. 可註射的

單詞drug [druhg][dr?ɡ] n. 藥

Typically, the goal of the process is to so thoroughly break down the biological material left behind.


單詞typically ['tip-i-kuhl]['t?p?kli] adv. 典型地;代表性地;通常,壹般

單詞goal [gohl][ɡ?l] n. 目標

單詞thoroughly ['thur-uh-lee, 'thuhr‐]['θ?r?li] adv. 徹底地;完全;非常

單詞biological [bahy-uh-'loj-i-kuhl][?ba?'l?d?kl] adj. 生物的;生物學的

Another way that dead bacteria are a problem is when you treat tuberculosis.


單詞treat [treet][tri?t] v. 對待;探討;治療;處理

單詞tuberculosis [too-bur-kyuh-'loh-sis, tyoo-][tju?b?kju'l?s?s] n. 肺結核

Live tuberculosis bacteria hide from the immune system, but dead ones don't hide well, and their insides are poisonous as well, so you start to feel really bad before feeling better.


短語as well 也(相當於too);同樣地;還不如;此外;例句:We should stick to the principles and be flexible as well. 既要有原則性, 也要有靈活性。

單詞hide [hahyd][ha?d] v. 藏;隱瞞;遮避

單詞poisonous ['poi-zuh-nuhs]['p?z?n?s] adj. 有毒的

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