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/article/105/129/20051140115.htm The simplest way is to spray watermelon frost ulcer treatment prescription 14 eggs into the bowl. Boil on fire for about 1.5 minutes (it is not advisable to cook for a long time). At this time, the mung bean is not ripe. Take mung bean water and pour it into the plumeria for drinking, once a day in the morning and evening, which has a good effect on treating oral ulcers. Liushen Pills: Take 1 Liushen Pills (30 pills) and crush them into powder, then add 2ml of cold boiled water to soak them into a thin paste for later use. Before use, clean the patient's mouth, then dip a slender cotton swab in Liushen Pill solution and apply it to the ulcer surface. It is better to take the medicine 1~15 minutes before meals, three times a day, and 1 times before going to bed. Generally, the analgesic effect can be achieved in 5 minutes. Small ulcer 1. It can be cured in 2 days, and those with large ulcer surface can be cured in 5 days. Yunnan: Baiyao is applied externally to the wound of oral ulcer with Yunnan Baiyao, twice a day, and it usually heals in 2~3 days. Full-fat milk powder: choose full-fat milk powder, 2 to 3 times a day, one tablespoon each time, add a little sugar, and take it with boiling water. It is better to take it before rest at night. Generally, the symptoms of ulcer can disappear in 2 days. Watermelon: half a watermelon, dig out the pulp of watermelon, squeeze the juice, put the juice in your mouth, swallow it after about 2 ~ 3 minutes, then contain the new juice, and repeat it several times. Vitamin c: crush 1~2 tablets of vitamin c, put them on the ulcer surface, and keep silent for a while, twice a day. Cimetformin: grind 1 ~ 2 tablets of cimetidine into fine powder, and apply it to the ulcer surface with a cotton swab dipped in powder. Do not drink water within 10 minutes, twice a day. Liuwei Dihuang Pill: Take Liuwei Dihuang Pill orally 2-3 times a day, 6-8g each time. Strong tea: Compendium of Materia Medica, a pharmacopoeia of Ming Dynasty in China, said: "Tea is bitter and cold, which can best reduce fire ... when fire decreases, it will clear the liquid." According to research, tea contains tannin, which has astringent effect, and gargling with strong tea can promote the healing of oral ulcers. Gentamicin: Dip a sterile cotton swab into 40,000 units of 2 ml of gentamicin injection and lightly apply it to the ulcer surface in the oral cavity. After several minutes, apply it again, four times a day, that is, after three meals and before going to bed. After gargling, apply the liquid medicine, which usually heals in 2 ~ 3 days. Tomatoes: Tomato juice is contained in the mouth for several minutes at a time and several times a day. Persimmon cream: take persimmon cream from persimmon and take it with boiling water or add it to porridge. Banana leaves: Take some fresh banana leaves and apply them to the oral ulcer with fire, 2 ~ 3 times a day. 95% ethanol: dip a cotton swab in 95% ethanol, gently press the ulcer spot, and gently rotate the cotton swab to remove the rotten tissue on the ulcer surface, 2 ~ 3 times a day, 20 ~ 30 seconds each time. For the treatment of oral ulcers, the vast majority of oral ulcers heal in 2-3 days. The honey juice gargle method: 10% honey juice can be gargled, which can diminish inflammation, relieve pain and promote cell regeneration. Honey therapy: wash your mouth clean, then apply honey to the ulcer surface with a sterile cotton swab, and don't eat or drink for the time being after rubbing. About 15 minutes, you can swallow it with honey and saliva, and then continue to rub it. You can rub it several times a day. Zinc sulfate therapy: Take zinc sulfate tablets or 12% zinc sulfate syrup, 40-80mg for adults each time, three times a day for 1, and it usually takes 5-7 days to recover. Auricularia auricula therapy: Take 10g of white fungus, black fungus and hawthorn respectively, decoct in water, drink soup and eat auricularia auricula, 1-2 times a day, which can cure oral ulcer. Cocoa therapy: cocoa powder and honey are mixed into paste, which is frequently swallowed. It can cure oral inflammation and ulcer several times a day. Chinese cabbage root therapy: Take 60g of Chinese cabbage root, 15g of garlic sprout and 10 Chinese jujubes, decoct them in water for 1 2 times a day, which can cure oral ulcer. Rapeseed therapy: take 30 grams of white radish seeds, 30 grams of mustard seeds and 15 grams of scallion, mash them together and stick them on the foot, 1 times a day, which can cure oral ulcers. Apple therapy: Take 1 apples (pears can also be used) and put them into a container, add cold water (apples or pears that have not been boiled) and heat them to boil. When they are slightly cool, put them in your mouth with wine for a while before eating, and they can be cured for several days. Walnut shell therapy: Boil 30-50g walnuts twice, and take 1 times each morning and evening. Oral ulcers may hide various diseases for three weeks, and it is necessary to make a detailed investigation of small ulcers in the mouth. Almost everyone has suffered from them, and most of them are caused by trauma. Professor Scully from the Institute of Dentistry, University of London, pointed out that if oral ulcers persist for three weeks, the reasons must be found out. About 20% people suffer from recurrent oral ulcers, which are round or oval with clear boundaries. 80% of patients have ulcers with a diameter of less than 5mm, which healed in 7 ~ 14 days. Larger ulcers are rare, and they need to be cured for weeks or months, and scars remain. In addition, there are herpes ulcers that need 1 months to be cured. According to the Japanese Medical Tribune (20065438+June 7, 0), the cause of oral ulcer is unknown, and some patients are related to tension, trauma, smoking cessation, menstruation and food allergy. There is no special examination method, and we can only rely on the diagnosis of typical symptoms and disease history. But we must not ignore the differential diagnosis. Besides the deficiency of iron, folic acid and VitB12, we should also consider whether there are immune disorders such as chronic inflammatory bowel disease, AIDS infection and neutropenia. In addition, systemic diseases and skin diseases such as leukemia, lupus erythematosus and Behcet disease (see figure) should be excluded. Anticancer drugs and antithyroid drugs may also produce oral ulcers. Single chronic ulcer should be suspected of oral cancer. Oral ulcer can also appear as an accompanying symptom when children have periodic fever, pharyngitis, hand-foot-mouth disease and infectious mononucleosis. Professor Scully pointed out that oral ulcer can be treated with chlorhexidine or hydrocortisone sugar-coated tablets, and triamcinolone ointment should be applied four times a day. If symptoms do not improve, systemic corticosteroids should be considered. Although oral ulcer is not a serious illness, it always brings inconvenience and pain to patients' lives. Here's a brief prescription of 14: Eggs and eggs are mixed into a bowl to make a paste, mung beans are soaked in cold water in a pottery pot for more than ten minutes, and boiled on fire for about 1.5 minutes (it is not advisable to cook for a long time). At this time, mung beans are not ripe, so take mung bean water to drink plumeria, once a day in the morning and evening, which has a good effect on treating oral ulcers. Liushen Pills Take 1 Liushen Pills (30 pills) and crush them into powder, then add 2 ml of cold boiled water to soak them into a thin paste for later use. Before use, clean the patient's mouth, then dip a slender cotton swab in Liushen Pill solution and apply it to the ulcer surface. It is better to take the medicine 1~15 minutes before meals, three times a day, and 1 times before going to bed. Generally, the analgesic effect can be achieved in 5 minutes. Small ulcer 1. It can be cured in 2 days, and those with large ulcer surface can be cured in 5 days. Yunnan Baiyao is applied externally to the wound surface of oral ulcer with Yunnan Baiyao, twice a day, and it usually heals in 2~3 days. Choose whole milk powder, 2 to 3 times a day, one tablespoon each time, add a little sugar, and take it with boiling water. It is better to take it before rest at night. Generally, the symptoms of ulcer can disappear in 2 days. Watermelon watermelon half, dig out the pulp of watermelon, squeeze the juice, put it in your mouth, swallow it after about 2 ~ 3 minutes, then contain the new juice, and repeat it several times. Vitamin C Crush 1~2 tablets of vitamin C, put them on the ulcer surface, and keep silent for a moment, twice a day. Cimiconidine service: grind 1 ~ 2 tablets of cimetidine into fine powder, dip a cotton swab into the powder and apply it to the ulcer surface. Do not drink water within 10 minutes, twice a day. Liuwei Dihuang Pill is taken orally 2-3 times a day, with 6-8g each time. Compendium of Materia Medica, a pharmacopoeia of Ming Dynasty in China, said: "Tea is bitter and cold, which can best reduce the fire ... when the fire decreases, it will clear the liquid." According to research, tea contains tannin, which has astringent effect, and gargling with strong tea can promote the healing of oral ulcers. Gentamycin is dipped with a sterile cotton swab and 40,000 units of 2 ml of Gentamycin Injection is lightly applied to the ulcer surface in the oral cavity. After several minutes, it is applied again, four times a day, that is, after three meals and before going to bed. After gargling, it is coated with liquid medicine, which usually heals in 2 ~ 3 days. Tomatoes and tomato juice are contained in the mouth for several minutes at a time, many times a day. Persimmon cream Take persimmon cream from persimmon and take it with boiling water or add it to porridge. Banana leaves: Take some fresh banana leaves, and apply them to the oral ulcer with fire, 2 ~ 3 times a day. 95% Ethanol Use a cotton swab to dip 95% ethanol, gently press the ulcer site, and gently rotate the cotton swab to remove the rotten tissue on the ulcer surface, 2 ~ 3 times a day, 20 ~ 30 seconds each time. In the treatment of oral ulcers, most oral ulcers heal within 2-3 days, and there are three types of oral ulcers that recur repeatedly, which are called "recurrent oral ulcers" in medicine. The recurrence time is closely related to the history of oral ulcer. When the history is short, it can occur once every few months or once a year. When the medical history is long, it can occur once a month, or the old and new lesions of oral ulcer appear alternately. Under normal circumstances, it can heal itself in about 10 days without leaving scars. Recurrent oral ulcer is the most common disease in oral mucosal diseases. It is recurrent but self-limited, and its local manifestations are isolated, round or oval ulcers. Clinically, it can be divided into three types: recurrent mild oral ulcer, recurrent stomatitis oral ulcer and recurrent necrotizing mucosal periglandularis. Vitamins can treat oral ulcers, whether it is single or chronic oral ulcers, and vitamin B groups such as vitamin B2 and B6 are all effective. Some people even took group B for one night, and the oral ulcer disappeared cleanly. When vitamin B2 is insufficient, it will cause angular stomatitis, eye congestion and anal ulceration, especially on the skin and mucous membrane. Vitamin B6 is related to fat metabolism, and when B6 is insufficient, it will cause seborrheic dermatitis. In addition, vitamin B groups such as pantothenic acid and biotin (except B 1) are also helpful for the prevention and treatment of oral ulcers under the mutual influence. Causes of oral ulcers Oral ulcers occur mostly at the edge of the oral mucosa and tongue, often white ulcers, with a blush around them, which is very painful, especially when it comes to sour, salty and spicy food, so that delicious food is unwilling to taste. Although it is a minor oral disease, it is painful, even restless, restless and depressed. Most doctors believe that oral ulcers are related to the following factors: digestive system diseases and dysfunction, such as abdominal distension, diarrhea or constipation. Endocrine changes: Some female patients often occur during menstrual period, which may be related to the decrease of estrogen in the body. Mental factors: Some patients suffer from mental stress, mood fluctuation and poor sleep, which may be related to autonomic nerve dysfunction. Genetic factors: if both parents suffer from recurrent oral ulcer, about 80-90% of their children will get sick, and if one parent suffers from this disease, about 50-60% of their children will get sick. Other factors: lack of trace elements such as zinc, iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 can reduce immune function and increase the possibility of recurrent oral ulcer. Why does oral ulcer recur? The cause of oral ulcer recurrence is not very clear at present, but there are many factors that can directly lead to oral ulcer: infection by bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms; Malnutrition and vitamin deficiency; The influence of digestive system diseases such as gastrointestinal ulcer inflammation, constipation and diarrhea; Lack of trace elements, such as iron deficiency, folic acid, B12 and zinc; Endocrine disorder; Mental and neurological factors, such as overwork, nervous fluctuation, neurological disorder, etc. Some women will have oral ulcers every menstrual period or before and after menstruation, which can only be temporarily relieved by medication. They will still appear as usual during menstruation next month, and the pain is unbearable. At the same time, they are often accompanied by annoying symptoms such as dry mouth, upset, irritability and dry stool. Clinical studies have found that oral ulcer during menstrual period is mainly caused by the increase of progesterone level in the body and the decrease of estrogen (progesterone, etc.). Oral ulcer is often very dangerous. Oral ulcer is a common symptom in daily life, which has been encountered more or less in one's life. Usually, oral ulcers can heal themselves after rest, diet adjustment, and keeping the stool unobstructed. Some patients only need local medication or take several Chinese medicines to heal, and generally do not have serious adverse consequences for the whole body. However, if one or more oral ulcers recur or even break out one after another, the pain is unbearable or accompanied by ulcers in other parts (such as vulvar ulcers), we should attach great importance to it, because this recurrent ulcer is likely to be a warning signal of an immune disease-Behcet's disease. Behcet's disease is also called Behcet's syndrome or eye, mouth and genital syndrome. Clinically, oral ulcer, genital ulcer and iridocyclitis are more common. Among them, eye symptoms are diverse, which can be manifested as blurred vision, decreased vision, eyeball pain, photophobia and tears, foreign body sensation and floaters, etc., which can lead to blindness in severe cases. In addition, there are post-needle eye reactions. Without a comprehensive understanding of the disease, the symptoms may be described to doctors in different specialties when seeking medical treatment, which often leads to a situation of "treating the head with a headache, treating the foot with a pain" and losing the opportunity to receive the best treatment plan. Behcet's disease has existed since ancient times, and can occur in both men and women. It can be seen in all ages, especially after 35 years old. Its occurrence and development are closely related to abnormal immune function. Traditional Chinese medicine calls it "fox confusion" and points out that "erosion in the throat is confusion, erosion in the yin is fox" The occurrence of this disease is closely related to the deficiency of liver and kidney, deficiency of qi and yin, exogenous damp-heat, etc. Over time, damp-heat and qi-blood beat each other, and dampness, toxin and stasis are mutually cemented, resulting in repeated attacks of this disease, which is difficult to heal. Over the years, according to the traditional theory and clinical practice of Chinese medicine, according to different symptoms, the acute attack and remission stages of Behcet's disease have been treated by clearing away heat and toxic materials, clearing away damp-heat, clearing away toxic materials and dredging veins, invigorating qi and nourishing yin, and tonifying liver and kidney. The results show that Chinese medicine can not only control the recurrence of ulcers, but also regulate immune function. In addition, according to the characteristics of small focus and shallow location of the disease, powder of Xilei powder, Bingboron powder, Cortex Phellodendri and Herba Asari was locally blown, and decoction of Flos Lonicerae and Radix Glycyrrhizae was used for gargling, while decoction of Flos Chrysanthemi Indici, Kochiae Fructus and Radix Sophorae Flavescentis was used for sitting bath fumigation and washing. Clinical practice has proved that the frequency, number and degree of pain of ulcer can be relieved in about one month when treating Behcet's disease by external use of traditional Chinese medicine and oral use of traditional Chinese medicine, and the condition can be further controlled by continuing to treat it for several months. In addition to drug treatment, we should pay attention to protecting oral hygiene, eat more vegetables and fruits, eat less barbecue, fried and greasy food, and do not eat spicy and hot food such as pepper, raw onion, ginger, garlic, tobacco, wine, mutton, etc., avoid fatigue, and keep a happy mood and smooth stool. Iron deficiency and zinc deficiency in the body are also prone to ulcers. Oral ulcers are the most common diseases of oral mucosa, and their incidence rate is second only to dental caries and periodontal diseases, accounting for the third place. Iron and zinc deficiency in the body can also cause ulcers. Recurrent oral ulcer is a polygenic genetic disease. When the body has gastrointestinal dysfunction, menstrual disorder, lack of trace elements such as iron and zinc, mental stress, fatigue or cold, oral ulcers will be induced, so vitamin B2 alone is ineffective. At present, there is no cure for this disease. Suffering from oral ulcer, you can eat more fresh foods rich in vitamins, protein and cellulose, pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and remove inducing factors to reduce recurrence. Small remedies for oral ulcer (1) Take 160 grams of fresh bitter gourd (80 grams of dry product) and brew it with boiling water instead of tea. 1 day 1 dose. Generally, it can be effective for 3 ~ 5 days. (2) Rinse your mouth with warm boiled water after dinner every day, take a spoonful of honey, the best raw juice, apply it on the surface of the ulcer, containing 1~2 minutes, then swallow it, repeat it for 2~3 times, and you can recover after continuous treatment for 2~3 days. ⑶ Take about 10 walnut shells every day, and take decoction with water orally, three times a day for three consecutive days, and the oral ulcer can be cured. (4) Take eight or nine small Chinese rose flowers with calyx, mash them, add a small cup of honey to make them paste, and apply them to the affected area of aphtha, which will generally heal after 3~5 times. 5] Crush 1~2 tablets of vitamin C, apply them on the ulcer surface, and keep silent for a moment, twice a day. Once choose whole milk powder, 2~3 times a day, each time a spoonful, add a little sugar, boiled water. It is better to take it before rest at night. Generally, the symptoms of ulcer can disappear in 2 days. ⑻ Take 1 Liushen Pills (30 pills) and crush them into powder, then add 2ml of cold boiled water to soak them into thin paste for later use. When taking medicine, clean your mouth first, then dip a clean cotton swab in Liushen Pill solution and apply it to the ulcer surface. It is better to take medicine 10~15 minutes before meals, three times a day, and 1 times before going to bed. Generally, the analgesic effect can be achieved in 5 minutes, and there is no pain in eating, which increases appetite. Small ulcer can be cured in 1~2 days; Multiple ulcers were cured in 3 days. It is a common problem for modern people to stay away from oral ulcers in summer. Most people think that it is easy to get ulcers in summer when there is a big internal heat, but what is the real cause of oral ulcers? The doctor said that the causes of oral ulcers are nothing more than "strong heart fire" and "spleen and stomach heat accumulation". In addition to drug treatment, the effect of medicated diet therapy is also good. Oral ulcers are common in young adults and occur all year round, especially in summer when the days are long and the nights are short, the temperature rises, people stay up late and stay up late, and modern people are used to eating barbecue greasy food, which makes oral ulcers with heat constitution more likely to occur. In traditional Chinese medicine, there are several types of oral ulcer, such as vigorous heart fire, accumulated heat in spleen and stomach, hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency, deficiency of cold in spleen and stomach, and invasion of stomach due to liver cold. Besides medication, medicated diet can also be used. Strong heart fire or spleen and stomach heat can be treated with bamboo leaf porridge, which is made of fresh bamboo leaves, gypsum, rice and sugar. Yin deficiency and hyperactivity of fire can be dietotherapy with winter porridge, which is made of San Qian Ophiopogon japonicus, San Qian Asparagus, San Qian Scrophularia, Mierliang and rock sugar. The spleen-stomach deficiency type can be made of Lizhong porridge, which is made of Radix Codonopsis, Zingiberis Rhizoma, Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata, Poria and brown sugar from glutinous rice. However, in addition to medication and diet therapy, to avoid oral ulcers, we still need to pay attention to ordinary living habits, avoid spicy, fried, greasy and thick food, drink more boiled water, eat more vegetables, keep the stool smooth and avoid constipation; Those with severe aphtha can adopt a soft or semi-liquid diet instead. Oral ulcer therapeutic prescription honey juice gargle method: 10% honey juice can be gargle, which can diminish inflammation, relieve pain and promote cell regeneration. Honey therapy: wash your mouth clean, then apply honey to the ulcer surface with a sterile cotton swab, and don't eat or drink for the time being after rubbing. About 15 minutes, you can swallow it with honey and saliva, and then continue to rub it. You can rub it several times a day. Zinc sulfate therapy: Take zinc sulfate tablets or 12% zinc sulfate syrup, 40-80mg for adults each time, three times a day for 1, and it usually takes 5-7 days to recover. Auricularia auricula therapy: Take 10g of white fungus, black fungus and hawthorn respectively, decoct in water, drink soup and eat auricularia auricula, 1-2 times a day, which can cure oral ulcer. Cocoa therapy: cocoa powder and honey are mixed into paste, which is frequently swallowed. It can cure oral inflammation and ulcer several times a day. Chinese cabbage root therapy: Take 60g of Chinese cabbage root, 15g of garlic sprout and 10 Chinese jujubes, decoct them in water for 1 2 times a day, which can cure oral ulcer. Rapeseed therapy: take 30 grams of white radish seeds, 30 grams of mustard seeds and 15 grams of scallion, mash them together and stick them on the foot, 1 times a day, which can cure oral ulcers. Apple therapy: Take 1 apples (pears can also be used) and put them into a container, add cold water (apples or pears that have not been boiled) and heat them to boil. When they are slightly cool, put them in your mouth with wine for a while before eating, and they can be cured for several days. Walnut shell therapy: Boiling 30-50g walnuts twice and taking 65,438+0 times each morning and evening is the most common oral mucosal disease, and the prevalence rate in the population is generally considered to be over 65,438+00%, which can occur in men, women and children, especially in young people. Acne is a kind of localized ulcer damage of oral mucosa characterized by periodic recurrence, which can heal itself and occur in any part of oral mucosa, especially in lips, cheeks and tongue, and can spread to pharyngeal mucosa in severe cases. Many patients with the extension of the course of the disease, ulcer area increases, the number increases, the pain increases, the healing period is prolonged, the interval is shortened, etc., which affects eating and speaking. Although there are many treatment methods for oral ulcer, they are basically symptomatic treatment, the main purpose is to relieve pain or reduce the number of recurrences, but the recurrence cannot be completely controlled, so it is particularly important to prevent this disease. Usually, you should pay attention to keep your mouth clean, rinse your mouth with light salt water, quit smoking and alcohol, live regularly and ensure adequate sleep. Adhere to physical exercise, have a light diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less spicy and pungent food, and keep the stool smooth. Women should pay attention to rest before and after menstruation, keep a happy mood, avoid excessive fatigue, have a light diet, eat more fruits, fresh vegetables, drink more water, etc., so as to reduce the chance of aphtha. Need to remind you that the ulcer that has not healed for a long time in the mouth may become cancerous after a long time because it is often stimulated by chewing and talking. Especially in those parts that are in contact with teeth, if there are residual damaged teeth that have not been pulled out, or if the dentures are not made properly, their sharp edges will be constantly stimulated, which will scratch the mucosa and produce ulcers. If the stimulating factors are not removed, the ulcers will not heal, but will get worse day by day. This long-lasting ulcer may also be a precancerous lesion, which is very easy to become cancerous. If you often suffer from oral ulcers, you need to pay attention to the above problems. If you have oral ulcer, don't treat it lightly. If you are suspicious, you should go to the hospital in time, and if necessary, do pathological examination to make a clear diagnosis and then do corresponding treatment. Never be careless and delay the treatment opportunity. Simple prescription for ulcer treatment 14 Eggs: Eggs are put into a bowl and mixed into a paste. Mung beans are soaked in cold water in a pottery jar for more than ten minutes, and boiled on fire for about 1.5 minutes (not suitable for long cooking). At this time, mung beans are not ripe. Take mung bean water and pour it into plumeria for drinking, once a day in the morning and evening, which has a good effect on treating oral ulcers. Liushen Pills: Take 1 Liushen Pills (30 pills) and crush them into powder, then add 2ml of cold boiled water to soak them into a thin paste for later use. Before use, clean the patient's mouth, then dip a slender cotton swab in Liushen Pill solution and apply it to the ulcer surface. It is better to take the medicine 1~15 minutes before meals, three times a day, and 1 times before going to bed. Generally, the analgesic effect can be achieved in 5 minutes. Small ulcer 1. It can be cured in 2 days, and those with large ulcer surface can be cured in 5 days. Yunnan: Baiyao is applied externally to the wound of oral ulcer with Yunnan Baiyao, twice a day, and it usually heals in 2~3 days. Full-fat milk powder: choose full-fat milk powder, 2 to 3 times a day, one tablespoon each time, add a little sugar, and take it with boiling water. It is better to take it before rest at night. Generally, the symptoms of ulcer can disappear in 2 days. Watermelon: half a watermelon, dig out the pulp of watermelon, squeeze the juice, put the juice in your mouth, swallow it after about 2 ~ 3 minutes, then contain the new juice, and repeat it several times. Vitamin c: crush 1~2 tablets of vitamin c, put them on the ulcer surface, and keep silent for a while, twice a day. Cimetformin: grind 1 ~ 2 tablets of cimetidine into fine powder, and apply it to the ulcer surface with a cotton swab dipped in powder. Do not drink water within 10 minutes, twice a day. Liuwei Dihuang Pill: Take Liuwei Dihuang Pill orally 2-3 times a day, 6-8g each time. Strong tea: Compendium of Materia Medica, a pharmacopoeia of Ming Dynasty in China, said: "Tea is bitter and cold, which can best reduce fire ... when fire decreases, it will clear the liquid." According to research, tea contains tannin, which has astringent effect, and gargling with strong tea can promote the healing of oral ulcers. Gentamicin: Dip a sterile cotton swab into 40,000 units of 2 ml of gentamicin injection and lightly apply it to the ulcer surface in the oral cavity. After several minutes, apply it again, four times a day, that is, after three meals and before going to bed. After gargling, apply the liquid medicine, which usually heals in 2 ~ 3 days. Tomatoes: Tomato juice is contained in the mouth for several minutes at a time and several times a day. Persimmon cream: take persimmon cream from persimmon and take it with boiling water or add it to porridge. Banana leaves: Take some fresh banana leaves and apply them to the oral ulcer with fire, 2 ~ 3 times a day. 95% ethanol: dip a cotton swab in 95% ethanol, gently press the ulcer spot, and gently rotate the cotton swab to remove the rotten tissue on the ulcer surface, 2 ~ 3 times a day, 20 ~ 30 seconds each time. For the treatment of oral ulcers, the vast majority of oral ulcers heal in 2-3 days. The honey juice gargle method: 10% honey juice can be gargled, which can diminish inflammation, relieve pain and promote cell regeneration. Honey therapy: wash your mouth clean, then apply honey to the ulcer surface with a sterile cotton swab, and don't eat or drink for the time being after rubbing. About 15 minutes, you can swallow it with honey and saliva, and then continue to rub it. You can rub it several times a day. Zinc sulfate therapy: Take zinc sulfate tablets or 12% zinc sulfate syrup, 40-80mg for adults each time, three times a day for 1, and it usually takes 5-7 days to recover. Auricularia auricula therapy: Take 10g of white fungus, black fungus and hawthorn respectively, decoct in water, drink soup and eat auricularia auricula, 1-2 times a day, which can cure oral ulcer. Cocoa therapy: cocoa powder and honey are mixed into paste, which is frequently swallowed. It can cure oral inflammation and ulcer several times a day. Chinese cabbage root therapy: Take 60g of Chinese cabbage root, 15g of garlic sprout and 10 Chinese jujubes, decoct them in water for 1 2 times a day, which can cure oral ulcer. Rapeseed therapy: take 30 grams of white radish seeds, 30 grams of mustard seeds and 15 grams of scallion, mash them together and stick them on the foot, 1 times a day, which can cure oral ulcers. Apple therapy: Take 1 apples (pears can also be used) and put them into a container, add cold water (apples or pears that have not been boiled) and heat them to boil. When they are slightly cool, put them in your mouth with wine for a while before eating, and they can be cured for several days. Walnut shell therapy: Boil 30-50g walnuts twice, and take 1 times each morning and evening. Oral ulcers may hide various diseases for three weeks, and it is necessary to make a detailed investigation of small ulcers in the mouth. Almost everyone has suffered from them, and most of them are caused by trauma. Professor Scully from the Institute of Dentistry, University of London, pointed out that if oral ulcers persist for three weeks, the reasons must be found out. About 20% people suffer from recurrent oral ulcers, which are round or oval with clear boundaries. 80% of patients have ulcers with a diameter of less than 5mm, which healed in 7 ~ 14 days. Larger ulcers are rare, and they need to be cured for weeks or months, and scars remain. In addition, there are herpes ulcers that need 1 months to be cured.


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