->
If
you
go
to
Beijing
Zoo
tomorrow,
you
will
see
the
dolphin
performance.
2.如果我們不幫助野生動物,他們會無法生存
->
If
we
don't
help
wild
animals,
they
will
be
unable
to
survive.
3.假如老虎饑餓,他們會攻擊人
->
If
the
tigers
are
hungry,
they
will
attack
people.
4.這頭獅子秤起來有100千克
->
This
lion
weighs
up
to
kilograms.
5.農民們將再也不砍伐樹木了
->
The
farmers
will
not
cut
down
the
trees
any
more.
1.決賽是昨天舉行的
->
The
finals
took
place
yesterday.
2.我們可以坐大客車去長城
->
We
can
go
to
the
Great
Wall
by
big
bus.
3.謝謝妳同意我讓我看電視
->
Thank
you
for
allowing
me
to
watch
4.請盡快給我寫信
->
Please
write
to
me
as
soon
as
possible.
5.我們決定下星期天去爬山
->
We
decided
to
climb
mountains
next
Suday.
6.孩子們很快自學了怎樣玩電腦遊戲
->
The
children
learned
by
themselves
how
to
play
computer
games.
7.這個火車模型看上去像真的壹樣
->
This
train
model
looks
just
like
a
real
one.
8.吉姆邀請了我加入他們去香山的學校旅遊
->
Jim
invited
me
to
take
part
in
their
school
trip
to
Xiangshan
Mount.